Annual Report 2011–12

Remembrance of Times Past 11 卷尾語 悠悠五十載倏忽而過,我們仍受世人舉目 注視。中文大學如同山巔之城發放光芒, 燃亮四方。但是,以大學而言,我們仍然是 年輕,仍有許多工作可做並且必須做。可以 肯定的是,仰仗校董會和校董會主席的指 導,校內教研人員、學生、校友和社會人士 的支持,中大將來會達至更大和更光輝的 成就,獲得更大的榮耀,令我們的城市、 國家和世界的生活更加美好。 2012年12月 Concluding Thoughts It has been 50 years hence, and the eyes of all the people in the world are still upon us. As the city on the hill, the Chinese University has shone forth, and its light has reached the four corners of the world. However, we are still very young as a university, and there is still a lot that we can do, and must do. It is my certain knowledge that, with the guidance of the Chairman and Council, and the support of our academics, students, alumni, and all our friends in the community, we shall yet proceed to greater and brighter achievements in the days to come, to the greater glory of our name, and for the betterment of life in our city, our nation and our world. December 2012