Annual Report 2011–12

學 習不等於只待在教室裹聽課,在中 文大學校園,學習的途徑有很多, 例如到大學圖書館的好書角,找本好書 一讀,或者留意校內的精彩演講,找個有 興趣的一聽。 愛聽演講的人是幸運的,花短短一兩個小 時,就可以窺見講者畢生思想的精髓、智慧 的結晶或人生經歷的濃縮,是開拓視野、啟 發生命的窗口,也是幫助自己成長的途徑。 因此,在中大校園多元化的學習活動中,演 講是重要一環。大學各單位經常舉辦不同 演講,主題涵蓋多種領域,主講者皆是當今 社會出類拔萃之輩,更不乏國際大師級人 物。中大視演講為課堂講授以外重要的學 習資源,也是師生十分重視的學習活動。 本年度配合 I ‧ CARE 博群計劃的推出,演講 活動更加豐富,主講嘉賓陣容更加鼎盛。 寓教育於演講 2011 年 10 月 4 日,中大博群大講堂揭開序 幕,迎來台灣雲門舞集創辦人林懷民。六百 張入場券供不應求,主場利希慎音樂廳連 通道都坐滿了人,聆聽他半生探索舞蹈人生 與社會之路。 林懷民的演講題為「在水泥地上種花」, 那是他 1973 年在舞者地位低微的台灣成立 華人社會第一個當代舞團時,人們用以比擬 其艱辛之語。林懷民歷盡種種艱辛,但他確 信確守變化世情中一些永不改變的價值: 對人、對土地的愛,對美感的追求,幫助弱 勢的人,正視不公義;並呼籲年輕人在這方 面努力。 B esides staying in classrooms listening to teachers’ lectures, CUHK students have been offered many different ways to learn on campus. For example, they can go to the Good Reads Corner at the University Library and borrow a recommended book to read. They can also go to one of the talks, which are abundant on CUHK campus, that is of interest to them. Those who like lectures are lucky. In one or two hours, they are given essence of the speakers’ thoughts, pearls of their wisdom, and précis of their experiences in life, thus broadening their horizons and world views. Talks are important elements in the diverse learning activities on CUHK campus. Different units of the University frequently offer talks of different natures and topics. Speakers are important figures in society, including many world-class masters. CUHK sees lectures as important resources for learning beyond the walls of classrooms. Talks held on campus are also well received by staff and students. As the University has launched the I • CARE programme in this academic year, we have seen more and more lectures held on campus with many academic and social heavyweights as speakers. Lectures as an Educational Tool The University Lecture on Civility, a major component of CUHK’s I • CARE programme, debuted on 4 October 2011 with Lin Hwai-min, founder of the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, as its first guest speaker. The 600 tickets were gone in no time and fans spilt out onto the corridors of Lee Hysan Concert Hall to hear him speak about his life of dance in the last 38 years. Lin talked about how he in 1973, upon return to Taiwan from the US, set up the first contemporary dance company in Chinese society—‘Cloud Gate’ ( yun men ), named after China’s most ancient dance. The status of dancers in 教室內外的學習—— 嶄新課程與名家演講 Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom: New Curriculum and Inspiring Lectures Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom 13