Annual Report 2011–12

14 教室內外的學習 同年 12 月 14 日,為大學創作大型雕塑《仲 門》的台灣藝術家朱銘來校,發表題為 「藝術即修行」的演講,向在座逾五百聽眾 闡述他的藝術觀和創作理念,強調修行的 重要。所謂「修行」,就是要把所學到別人 的思想、觀念、辦法忘掉,因為這些東西對 創作來說是障礙,所以要找回自己內心中 的本性,修出自己的風格。 踏入 2012 年, I ‧ CARE 「博群花節」籌備了一 系列活動,包括博群大講堂連續三回講座, 3 月 8 日第一場邀得國際知名文化研究學者 李歐梵教授以「挫而彌堅」為題主講。李教 授現為中大冼為堅中國文化講座教授,他 在講座中與師生分享他如何以失意為師, 挫折為友,虛心領受。 Taiwan at the time was lowly, and some even likened the company’s survival to that of flowers grown in cement. Despite the vicissitudes of his life and the hardship of running the dance company, Lin has shown us the meaning of persistence and reaffirmed us that amid all the worldly changes, something does remain unchanged, and that includes love for people, love for the land, the pursuit of beauty. There are still people needing help, and so much injustice and unfairness in the world—things that can use some help from the young. On 14 December of the same year, another Taiwanese artist visited CUHK. He was Ju Ming, the creator of the Gate of Wisdom , the large sculpture that dominates the piazza in front of the University Library. Mr. Ju gave a talk on the topic of ‘Art as Practice’, explaining to an audience of over 500 his views on art, and the concepts that informed his creations. What Mr. Ju meant by practice was that one should try to disremember all the ideas, concepts and methods that one had learnt from others before as they would create an impediment to his own creativity, and then rediscover his own nature, his innate self, from which he may build his own personal style. When the calendar flipped to 2012, a series of activities of the I • CARE’s Blossoms of Life Floral Festival, including three lectures, was set in motion. On 8 March, Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo, Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture, CUHK, spoke on ‘The Nobility of Failure’ to over 400 students and staff. An internationally-renowned scholar in cultural studies, Professor Lee shared with the audience his bad days and how he learned from failure. 許鞍華女士 Miss Ann Hui 李歐梵教授 Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo 白先勇教授 Prof. Pai Hsien-yung