Annual Report 2011–12

18 教室內外的學習 中大一向重視通識教育,新課程將引入兩 個全新通識教育基礎課程,即「與人文對 話」和「與自然對話」,要求學生閱讀經典 著作,探索科學知識領域,從而思索普世問 題,如何謂理想社會?何謂美好人生?閱讀 經典著作亦可使學生明白大學教育所為何 事,以及大學生應有的責任和擔當,並培養 學生討論嚴肅課題的習慣。 與大學核心課程一脈相通的是各學院為 其學生開設的學院課程。學生可修讀主修 科領域以外的科目,從而跨越學科界限, 涉獵其他領域的知識,並在選擇主修科前, 賦予他們更充裕時間和更大自由去了解不 同科目。 現有的主修課程內容將更加深入,並更切合 當代需要。彈性的課程結構設計,讓學生可 選擇幾乎任何兩個課程作雙主修,加上一 個甚至兩個副修。某些情況底下,可選讀兩 個關聯的科目攻讀雙學位,這一般須延長 修業期一年。 consists of courses in English, Chinese, General Education, Physical Education and Information Technology, which together will take up a third of the credit units required for the completion of the degree. CUHK has always set great store by general education and in the new curriculum, this has been increased by two foundation courses: ‘In Dialogue with Humanity’ and ‘In Dialogue with Nature’, which require students to ponder universal questions such as ideal society and the good life, and explore the world of science and knowledge through the study of classical texts. In a similar vein to the University Core, each Faculty offers a Faculty Package to all students under its wing, which requires them to take courses outside their major disciplines. The aim is to provide breadth across disciplinary boundaries and to allow students more time and freedom in choosing a major. The current major programmes have been enhanced in depth and modernized in content. The curriculum structure is flexible, allowing students to choose almost any pair of subjects for a double major, to pursue one or even two minors, and in selected cases, to pursue a connected pair of double degrees where, normally, an extra year would be necessary.