Annual Report 2011–12

Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 31 Launched by the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Teams of CUHK and Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XUAT), the Village Rebuild Demonstration Project in Maan Qiao Village of Sichuan was awarded the Jury Commendation for Innovation in 2011, UNESCO Asia- Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation. The Maan Qiao Village is a poor village in the region sustaining the most damage after the earthquake on 30 August 2008. About 90% of the houses collapsed. CUHK and XUAT launched the rebuild project, which included bridge building, assistance to villagers to build their rammed-earth houses, village community centre construction, basic infrastructure improvement and other public health educational programmes. Prof. Edward Ng, chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation and professor of School of Architecture of CUHK, and other project members attended the award ceremony held at the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China on 21 December 2011. Research is a journey of discovery, where our researchers have been working at the ever-shifting boundary between the known and the unknown. The Chinese University spares no efforts in pushing the boundary of the known by providing our researchers with a creative and supportive environment in which ideas are generated and further developed, and come into fruition, benefiting the human community as a whole. 由中大與西安建築科技大學(建大)的 無止橋團隊合作之四川馬鞍橋村災後重建 綜合示範項目,榮獲聯合國教科文組織亞 太區文物古蹟保護獎—─評審團嘉許創 新獎。 四川省會理縣新安鄉馬鞍橋村在 2008 年 8 月 30 日地震中受損嚴重,九成房屋倒塌。 中大與建大於該村開展的重建項目包括建 造無止橋、指導村民自力重建抗震夯土農 宅、建設村民活動中心、改善基礎設施及 其他公共衞生教育工作等。 頒獎典禮於 2011 年 12 月 21 日假國家住房和 城鄉建設部舉行,無止橋慈善基金主席暨 中大建築學院教授吳恩融與一眾基金及項 目成員出席領獎。 研究工作是一趟發現之旅,研究人員不斷 在改變已知和未知事物之間的界線。中文 大學致力支持研究人員,為他們提供能發 揮創意的環境,令他們的意念得以孕育和 成真,做出傑出研究,最後如圖靈所說, 成為整體人類社會努力的成果之一。