Annual Report 2011–12

Appendices 65 校友 Alumni 附錄八 Appendix VIII 名列2012年香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2012 HKSAR Honours List 金紫荊星章 Gold Bauhinia Star 前廉政專員湯顯明博士 Dr. Tong Hin-ming Timothy, former Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption 香港金融管理局總裁陳德霖先生 Mr. Chan Tak-lam Norman, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star 社會福利諮詢委員會主席陳玉樹教授 Prof. Chan Yuk-Shee, Chairman, Social Welfare Advisory Committee 政府物流服務署署長張少卿女士 Miss Cheung Siu-hing, Director, Government Logistics Department 財經事務及庫務局副局長梁鳳儀女士 Ms. Leung Fung-yee Julia, Under Secretary, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau 前民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士 Ms. Hui Hiu-fai Florence, former Under Secretary, Home Affairs Bureau 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 香港城市大學生物及化學系講座教授譚鳳儀教授 Prof. Tam Fung-yee Nora, Chair Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學生命科學學院、食品研究中心主任關海山教授 Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan, Professor of School of Life Sciences, and Director of Food Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 前香港房屋委員會委員陳炳釗博士 Dr. Chan Ping-chiu Andrew, former member, Hong Kong Housing Authority 紀律部隊及廉政公署榮譽獎章 Meritorious Service Medal for Disciplined Services and the ICAC 前香港警務處警司戚本忠先生 Mr. Chi Pun-chung Edward, former Superintendent of Police, Hong Kong Police Force 榮譽勳章 Medal of Honour 葵青區議會議員林翠玲女士 Ms. Lam Chui-ling Nancy, member, Kwai Tsing District Council 香港生產力促進局副主席伍志強先生 Mr. Ng Chi-keung, Deputy Chairman, Hong Kong Productivity Council