Annual Report 2012–13

Serving and Caring 35 1966年7月和8月,三十名聯合書院學生參 加大專社會工作服務團的工作營,到大嶼山 沙螺灣為村民修建碼頭,並為貧苦兒童補 習。這是中大創校初期的學生服務社會的 例子之一。五十年來,這些活動已愈見頻繁 多樣和有系統,服務範圍也由本土擴展到 世界各地。 在2012至13學年,近三百名中大學生在 I • CARE博群計劃的支援下,參與或自發組 織了多項本地及海外的社會服務,項目數 量相比去年上升百分之五十,服務對象與形 式亦更多元化。計劃自成立以來,已撥出達 二百萬港元資助金額,讓更多學生有機會 運用自己的專業知識服務社會。中大樂見 愈來愈多學生關注社會議題,並且身體力 行為改變社會。當然,除了I • CARE 博群計 劃資助的項目外,過去一年還有許多其他學 生參與的義工服務。 神州實習啟蒙之旅 一般人對內地的了解,多只來自媒體和短期 交流的體驗,會知道內地經濟崛起及發展 帶來種種的迫切社會問題,卻未悉非政府 組織( NGO )如何以有限資源去解決。因 此,在 2012 年暑假,二十一位學生參與首辦 的 I • CARE 博群大中華實習計劃,前往內地 NGO 實習,以此作為平台,走進中國農村, 與基層居民一起生活,了解 NGO 的服務如 何回應社會發展過程中的各種問題,從而培 養人文關懷和社會承擔的情操。 In July and August 1966, 30 United College students took part in the Work Camp organized by the Hong Kong College Student Social Service Team. They helped to repair the pier at Sha Lo Wan, Lantau Island, and gave lessons to poor children living there. This activity was one of our students’ services to the community in the early days of CUHK. Over the past five decades, these services have grown in variety and have been provided in a more systematic way, extending beyond the boundaries of the city. With the support of the I • CARE Programme, close to 300 students from CUHK initiated or participated in various social service projects for local and overseas communities in the past academic year. There was an increase of 50% in the number of funded service projects, as well as a greater variety of service targets and service formats, benefitting thousands of clients. Since its launch in 2011, the I • CARE Programme has granted about HK$2 million funding to support students to apply their professional knowledge on social services. In addition to those funded by the I • CARE Programme, other service projects were also initiated by CUHK members during the last academic year. An Enlightening Internship in China Many of us learn about mainland China only from media and short-term exchanges. We see the rise of China’s economy and the entailing social problems, but seldom know how NGOs deal with these pressing issues with limited resources. Therefore, in the summer of 2012, 21 students joined the first I • CARE NGO Internship Programme in Greater China. The programme aimed at cultivating the students’ humanistic spirit and nurturing their sense of responsibility to the community. Through working in the NGOs, the students went to remote villages on the mainland and lived with the villagers to take a closer 服務與關懷 Serving and Caring