Annual Report 2012–13

Serving and Caring 43 今年,中文大學簽訂的技術授權協議共有 四十八項,另外在全球不同國家提交一百 四十項專利申請,六十五項獲得批准。 研發成果商品化的工作再次錄得驕人 成績,僅知識產權所產生的收益已達到 一千八百六十萬港元。 知識轉移處組織了一系列活動,加強校外 學者、研究人員及業界之間的互動關係。 2013 年 3 月,該處聯同數位中大學者一同 參加新加坡 2013 年亞洲生物醫藥研討會, 展示中大的研究成果,並建立重要的合作 夥伴關係。 2013 年 7 月,該處率領中大代表 團參加英國的文藝與人文研究知識轉移會 議,並與當地的文化從業者與中介機構積 極交流,了解更多成功案例。 面對全球化與資訊化的知識經濟時代,通 過成立衍生企業或新設公司來促進科研和 市場接軌,已成高等院校知識轉移的關鍵 過程。 2013 年 5 月,中大的知識轉移處、創業 研究中心和創新科技中心,共同成立中大 創進坊,攜手提供一系列創業實用工具、培 訓工作坊、以及業務諮詢服務,並配合大學 課程和地區資源,為中大師生和校友提供 從概念、初創到擴展各階段的服務,有系統 地協助他們在創業路上邁進。 To develop closer rapports among the industry, CUHK academics and researchers overseas, the KTO organized a series of events. In March 2013, it led a delegation comprising academics to participate in the Asia Convention 2013 (Singapore), at which inventions of the University were showcased and important industry networks established. In July 2013, it led another delegation comprising academics from the fields of arts and humanities to attend the Knowledge Exchange and the Arts and Humanities Research Conference in the UK, where they met with art practitioners and intermediaries, and benefited from the stories of their successful knowledge transfer. Spin-offs and start-ups plays a key role in the transfer of inventions and innovations from universities to the market. With the concerted effort of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, the Centre for Innovation and Technology, and the KTO, the Advancing CUHK Entrepreneurship Hub (ACE Hub) was launched in May 2013. The ACE Hub aims to promote the entrepreneurial spirit within the CUHK community by giving students and alumni the opportunity to explore entrepreneurial ideas and develop practical entrepreneurial skills. Through education initiatives and advisory service, it develops and offers entrepreneurial toolkit and training workshops, and bridging them with investment opportunities. Moreover, with the support of local partner organizations, ACE Hub helps to connect regional resources and university programmes to assist entrepreneurs.