Annual Report 2013–14

It was a task of herculean proportions to plan, coordinate and set to action the Jubilee year events, and to carry out ancillary activities involving publicity, logistics, fund- raising and support services. On behalf of the University, I would like to record our deepest gratitude to the Chairman and members of the University Council and the Chairman and members of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations Organizing Committee for their guidance and encouragement, and the thousands of colleagues, students, alumni and friends who offered the wisest of counsels, the best of plans and the most arduous of efforts, which culminated in an unprecedented labour of love. They were generous with their time, energy and resources, and there were many poignant stories behind the scene that spoke of their dedication, their sacrifice and their tolerance, all for the love of the Chinese University. I respectfully salute them all, and am fully convinced of their abiding affection and continuous support in the days to come. After the pomp and circumstance of the Golden Jubilee, and the associated feasting and toasting, The Chinese University of Hong Kong was ushered into a new era in its history. While we have reviewed our past in satisfaction, and celebrated our accomplishments with a lot of justified pride, we understand that our strife must not cease so that we may fulfil our mission more fully, and continue to discharge our responsibilities, with effectiveness and efficiency, as a major institution of higher learning. On the basis of the firm foundation that was built over the past 50 years, the University looks into the future with great joy and high hopes, confident that it will rise to the challenges of the years to come, and bring its standards and achievements to new heights not attained before. It is also with such confidence, joy and hope that I present this report on the University’s affairs for 2013–14 to the University Council, to all staff, students and alumni, to the people of Hong Kong, and to the global academic community at large. 金禧年活動的策劃、協調和執行, 還有宣傳、後勤、募款和支援等相關 工作,任務極其艱巨。我十分感激校 董會主席和成員,以及五十周年校 慶籌備委員會主席和成員的指導和鼓 勵,還有數以千計提供明智建議、周 詳計劃和堅定支持的同事、學生、校 友和朋友,不辭勞苦,廢寢忘餐,在 此謹代表大學向他們致予深切謝意。 他們不吝奉獻時間、精力和資源,全 身投入、犧牲堅忍,構成不少觸動人 心的幕後故事;這一切全出於對中文 大學的愛護。我衷心向他們致敬,並 且確信在未來的歲月,他們仍將繼續 愛護和贊翼中大。 盛大隆重的金禧校慶過去,觥籌交錯 的宴會亦告結束,中文大學從此邁入 其歷史的新紀元。雖然回顧過去的發 展,我們尚感稱意,對於所取得的 成就,理當自豪,但我們知道不能須 臾懈怠,而應繼續奮發,才能更圓滿 完成中大這所重要高等學府的使命, 繼續速效相達地履行我們的責任。中 大憑着過去五十年奠下的堅實基礎, 懷着喜悅和希望迎接未來,自信能夠 應對日後的挑戰,更上層樓,並取得 前所未有的成就。我懷此信心、喜悅 和希望,向大學校董會、全體員工、 學生和校友,乃至香港市民和國際學 術界,呈獻這份關於2013至14年度中 大事務的報告。 4 以喜悅與盼望之心展望未來 Looking into the Future with Joy and Hope