Annual Report 2013–14

T he year being reviewed in this volume of The Chinese University Annual Report began in medias res the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of CUHK, a time of immense happiness and enthusiastic rejoicing among members of the University past and present, as well as their supporters, well-wishers and friends throughout the world. While the Golden Jubilee events commenced in 2012–13, they lasted well into the first half of 2013–14, these six months being heavily laden with major academic presentations and forums, which constituted the most intellectually significant part of the celebrations. On these occasions scholars who were the leading lights in many fields and professions from around the world spoke and shared their observations and insight with their Hong Kong colleagues, and stimulated them with latest findings and original thoughts. The grand finale took place in December 2013, when senior goverment officials, benefactors of CUHK, and over 3,000 members of the CUHK clan, comprising academics, students and alumni, and their families and friends, gathered at a banquet to toast the successful conclusion of the celebrations. 本 年報涵蓋的年度,正始於中大 五十周年祝慶方酣之際。對於 過去和現在的中大人,乃至中大在世 界各地的支持者和友好來說,這是欣 忭歡慶的盛大時刻。金禧校慶活動由 2012至13學年開始,一直持續到2013 至14學年的前半年,在這六個月間, 學術講座和論壇接連舉行,是校慶活 動重要的學術環節,來自全球各地在 各自學術和專業領域執牛耳的學者, 趁此時機與香港同行分享自己的觀察 和洞見,以最新發現和原創思想,激 發他們的思維。2013年12月,政府高 官、中大贊助者,以及逾三千名中大 成員,包括學者、學生、校友及其親 友,聚首一堂,參加盛大的晚宴,祝 酒言歡,奏出璀璨的終曲,長達一年 的校慶活動至此圓滿落幕。 以喜悅與盼望之心展望未來 Looking into the Future with Joy and Hope 3