Annual Report 2013–14

I n response to the needs of our society, CUHK constantly introduces new programmes to nurture new talent. In the academic year 2013–14, CUHK introduced three new major programmes, namely, Bachelor of Arts Programme in Cultural Management, Bachelor of Science Programme in Community Health Practice, and Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Science Programme in Contemporary China Studies. The former two are two-year articulation programmes for associate degree or high diploma holders. Moreover, four minor programmes were also introduced. They are Minor Programme in Cell and Molecular Biology, Minor Programme in Contemporary China Studies, Minor Programme in Global Studies, and Minor Programme in Molecular Biotechnology. Cultural Management In the 21st century, creative and knowledge economy has been increasingly recognized as the engines of capital driving local and regional development, and such economy will rely on the development and growth of cultural and creative industries. Moreover, social awareness towards cultural rights, as well as the recognition for cultural democracy and diversity, is on the rise. The policies that value culture-led city development have led to the prosperity of various cultural infrastructures from large-scale iconic cultural facilities to small-sized community arts space during the last decade. There is thus pressing need to nurture the new generation of cultural workers with visions, expertise, sensibility and ethics to serve as the mediators between the public and cultural productions. Cultural management is a relatively new field that addresses the contemporary issues as to how culture as a product or service of urban life and urban consumption can be managed to maximize its meanings and values to enhance the quality of life and facilitate policy making. Four main categories of cultural management have been identified and 嶄新課程與嶄新學習方式 New Programmes and New Learning Methods 中 大一直因應社會的需要,開辦 新的主修課程,為社會培養合 適的人才。在2013至14年度,本校就 增設了三個新的主修課程:文化管理 文學士課程、社區健康理學士課程、 當代中國研究(文學士/社會科學學 士)課程。前兩者是為擁有副學士或 高級文憑的學生新設的兩年制銜接課 程。另外,本年度大學也增設細胞及 分子生物學、當代中國研究、全球研 究和分子生物技術學四個副修課程。 文化管理 在二十一世紀,創意及知識型經濟愈 來愈受到重視,被視為帶動本地和區 域發展的動力來源,而這種經濟是 以文化和創意產業為基礎。此外,公 眾愈來愈重視文化權利、文化民主和 多元性。強調以文化帶動城市發展 的政策,令各類型的文化建設在過去 十年蓬勃發展,由大型地標式文化區 至小型社區藝術空間。因此,我們亟 需培育新一代具有文化視野、專業知 識、感受和操守的文化工作者,擔當 公眾和文化產品之間的中介。 文化管理是相對嶄新的學科,旨在探 究現代都市生活與消費中,如何透過 管理有效地發揮文化作為商品與服務 的意義和價值,從而提升人們的生活 質素,推動政府良好施政。文化管理 可以分為四個範疇:一、文化遺產、 保育及文化旅遊;二、文化機構及 項目策劃;三、文化創意產業;四、 社群/社區文化活動。 本課程培養兼備欣賞與尊重不同文化 的胸襟及識見的學生,擔任詮釋、 界定、溝通以及捍衞不同文化的社會 先鋒,以國際和本土視野推動本地文 化的發展。 11