Annual Report 2013–14

新聞與傳播學院七位本科及碩士生,與 四位來自其他學系及院校的學生組成製 作團隊,赴台灣屏東縣林邊鄉,拍攝短 片《菲與飛》,參與2014年1月舉行的 第九屆金甘蔗影展,勇奪最佳導演 (黃嘉祺)、最佳攝影(曾慶宏)、 最佳女主角(余淑培)三大獎項。 中大在由政府資訊科技總監辦公室和平 等機會委員會合辦的2014無障礙網頁 嘉許計劃中獲得三大殊榮──網站組別 金獎、流動應用程式組別金獎,以及 獲選為最喜愛網站。 大學圖書館獲「香港建築師學會 2013年年獎的主題建築獎── 室內設計」。 中大在 2014年5月2日榮獲 「2013香港環保卓越計劃」 公營機構及公用事業界別的 「界別卓越獎」金獎。 A film crew comprising undergraduate and post- graduate students of the School of Journalism and Communication has won the Best Director (Kiki Wong), Best Actress (Bobby Yu) and Best Cinematography (Eric Tsang) awards at the 9th Golden Sugarcane Film Festival held in January 2014 in Taiwan with a feature film named Room 12 which was shot in Pingtung Country. CUHK received three top honours in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2014, organized jointly by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission. CUHK won a gold award each in the Website Stream and the Mobile Application Stream, and was voted one of the 'My Favourite Websites'. The University Library won the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards 2013: Special Architectural Award—Architectural Interior for its spatial re-organization project. CUHK was awarded on 2 May 2014 the Gold Award for the Public Organizations and Utilities Sector of the 2013 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. 27