Annual Report 2013–14

在 2013至14學年,近七百名學生 在I • CARE博群計劃的支援下, 參與或自發組織了三十多個本地及海外 的社會服務項目,為不同階層及種族的 有需要人士服務,項目數量及參與人數 比上年度增加一倍。博群社會服務計劃 自2011年推行以來,資助金額合共達 三百多萬港元,受惠者逾二萬人。除了 I • CARE博群計劃資助的項目外,同一 時期校內各書院和學院也舉辦了許多學 生義工服務。 拓荒高棉 護理學四年級生張智堯與另一名大 學生在2013年6月結伴到柬埔寨中 部的磅清揚省考察。有見當地農村 衞生環境欠佳,大部分學校缺乏 食水及衞生設備,二人返港後制訂 了「拓荒 • 高棉:柬埔寨義工計劃 2014」,共召集十一名中大生和十 一名其他本地院校的大學生,組成 「Pathfinder」義工隊,與柬埔寨非政 府組織「Clear Cambodia」合作,在 2014年7月19日至8月2日,到當地為 受淹水困擾的Prek Reang學校建造食 水及衞生設備,包括濾水器、水井、 洗手間和水龍頭。Pathfinder義工將這 些設備建造於一離地三米的平台上, 讓該校師生在淹水時仍可方便及安全 地使用食水和衞生設施。 W ith the support of the I • CARE Programme, around 700 students from CUHK initiated or participated in more than 30 student-led social service projects for the local and overseas communities in the past academic year. Both the numbers of participants and service projects have doubled over the previous year. Since its launch in 2011, the I • CARE Social Service Programme has spent over HK$3 million on various educational, health, legal and architectural projects around the world, and extended its aids to more than 20,000 disadvantaged people. In addition to service projects supported by the I • CARE Programme, different Colleges and Faculties of the University also organized volunteer activities for their students in the same period. Pathfinder: Cambodia Volunteer Service Cheung Chi-yiu Ivan, a senior of nursing, visited Kampong Chhnang province in central Cambodia with another university student in June 2013. They found that the place was faced with serious hygiene problems and most of the schools had no access to clean drinking water and proper sanitary facilities. After returning to Hong Kong, they initiated the ‘Pathfinder: Cambodia Volunteer Service 2014’ project and formed the Pathfinder volunteer team. The team comprises 11 members from CUHK and 11 from other local universities. From 19 July to 2 August 2014, the team went to Kampong Chhnang province and worked with Clear Cambodia, a local NGO, to build new sanitary facilities and a water filtration system for a local school named Prek Reang Primary School. What they built included a water filter, toilets, water taps, and a well. All of them are placed on a platform that is three metres above the ground, so that teachers and pupils of the school can still use these facilities when there is flooding. 服務與關懷 Serving and Caring 29