Annual Report 2013–14

助建緬北玩具圖書館 聯合書院「邁進地球村系列──薪火服 務學習:愛心玩具傳緬北義工計劃」 於2013年12月27日至2014年1月4日舉 行,十二位學生在助理院務主任陳文軒 帶領下,連同台灣玩具圖書館協會遠赴 緬甸北部山區城市臘戌,為當地收容孤 兒的「恩慈之家」和中文學校「黑猛龍 學校」建立玩具圖書館。 出發前,學生特於校園設置收集箱及攤 位,鼓勵校內人士捐贈玩具, 並參考台 灣玩具圖書館的做法,將玩具分智力、 拼圖、體藝及樂器等類。 到達臘戌後,義工以色彩鮮艷的油漆、 貼紙及簡單物料,以童話、海陸空為 題,粉飾破舊課室,改造成悅目繽紛的 The volunteers also held health education sessions for students and villagers, spreading knowledge of hand hygiene, malaria, healthy eating, etc. Four hundred local students were served by the project. After the completion of construction work, Pathfinder volunteers visited a local secondary school and two universities to promote mutual understanding and cultural exchange. 義工亦為學生和當地村民提供健康教 育,內容包括衞生生活和飲食習慣、 瘧疾的認識等。兩星期的義務工作讓 逾四百名當地學生受惠。在工程完成 後,Pathfinder還造訪當地一所中學和 兩所大學,加強兩地學生情誼和認識。 這次計劃非常成功,因為計劃中的三大元素,建造、健康教育和文化交流都 做到了,其中建造和健康教育分別象徵硬件和軟件,而文化交流就意味着作 為義工不應只專注服務,當中亦應該停下來反思,透過交流獲得更多服務的 方向和靈感。 This project is a success because we have achieved the three goals, namely, construction of facilities, health education, and cultural exchange. Among them, construction of facilities and health education were respectively the physical and immaterial elements of the project. Cultural exchange gave our volunteers a chance to stop and reflect, in the hope of generating more ideas about our future services. 張智堯 Cheung Chi-yiu Ivan 陳文軒,聯合書院助理院務主任 (左一) Mr. Tony Chan, assistant college secretary of United College (1st left) 同學們的認真、投入,令我十分感動,就連 平日嬌滴滴的女同學,也拿起裝修工具,一 起用愛心及毅力,希望為當地兒童帶來快樂 的童年。 It has been amazing to see the students’ hard work and commitment. Even the frailest girls were picking up hardware tools, with just one thought in their minds: creating a happy childhood for Myanmar children. Toy Libraries for Myanmar Children Led by Mr. Tony Chan, assistant college secretary of United College, 12 participants of the College’s ‘GOAL Programme — Bringing Toys to Northern Myanmar’ service programme visited Lashio in Northern Myanmar from 27 December 2013 to 4 January 2014 together with representatives from the Taiwan Toy Library Association to set up two toy libraries in an orphanage and a Chinese school, in the hope of bringing joy to local kids. Before the trip, students set up collection boxes and booths on campus to encourage CUHK members to donate toys. They divided toys into games, jigsaws, activity, arts, and music, according to the practices of Taiwan toy libraries. When arriving at Lashio, the team used paints and stickers to transform old classrooms into toy libraries. They decorated them using the fairy tale theme for the orphanage, and 30 服務與關懷 Serving and Caring