Annual Report 2013–14

香港中文大學(深圳) 國家教育部2014年3月正式批准設立香 港中文大學(深圳)。中大(深圳)下 一步將積極推進各項重點工作,包括全 球延聘優秀教員、學科發展規劃,以及 在2014年招生。 中大(深圳)位於深圳市龍崗區,佔地 約一百萬平方米,將分期建設。校園內 現有八幢建築樓宇的翻新改建及內部裝 修工程已完成,足以讓中大(深圳)辦 學初年進行教學、科研、行政等工作。 校園第一期工程亦已展開,預計於2016 至2017年落成。 聯合考古研究基地 本港首個結合中港兩地考古學專業研 究及考察工作的單位──中國社會科 學院-香港中文大學中國考古聯合研究 基地於2014年3月19日成立。該基地旨 在研究中國早期文明及港澳地區的古 文化,尋找香港和內地學術研究的新方 向,同時培養專業人才,促進香港考古 學發展。 社科院考古研究所與中大中國考古藝術 研究中心長期以來緊密合作,包括共同 組織香港地區的考古發掘、研究內地 的重要遺址、舉辦國際會議、出版考古 專著。 中大與社科院成立的聯合研究基地,將 與中大的中國考古藝術研究中心、文物 館、歷史系、人類學系、藝術系及物 理系的一眾學者合作,就中國考古和中 華文明起源等問題展開研究。 CUHK (Shenzhen) The State Ministry of Education has given its approval for the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in March 2014. With the approval, CUHK(SZ) will further implement faculty recruitment, planning and development of academic curriculum, student admission in 2014 and other key strategic plans. CUHK(SZ) is located in the Longgang District of Shenzhen, encompassing a campus area of around one million square metres, and will be constructed in phases. The renovation of the eight existing buildings on the site has been completed; they will support the operational, teaching and learning activities of CUHK(SZ) in the initial years. Phase one campus development has also commenced and is expected to be completed in 2016 and 2017. Archaeology Joint Research Base On 19 March 2014, CUHK and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) jointly established the CASS- CUHK Chinese Archaeology Joint Research Base, the territory’s first research unit dedicated to combining archaeological expertise from mainland China and Hong Kong as a new platform of collaboration. The research base will study early civilizations in China through a global perspective, conduct in-depth investigations of ancient cultures in Hong Kong and Macau, explore new research horizons for the academic communities in Chinese archaeology, and train new archaeological professionals for Hong Kong. For over two decades, the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Arts (CCAA) of CUHK and the Institute of Archaeology of CASS have been collaborating in a variety of joint projects, including 44 發展里程 Development Milestones