Annual Report 2013–14

中大─烏德勒支大學語言、認知 及大腦聯合研究中心 中大與荷蘭烏德勒支大學在2014年3月 13日於中大校園舉行「中大─烏德勒 支大學語言、認知及大腦聯合研究中 心」成立典禮。該中心旨在提供一個國 際平台,促進語言、認知及大腦的跨 學科與多學科研究,並結合中大與烏 德勒支大學兩校的科研優勢與實力, 共同推動語言學習和發展的生物學基 礎、認知神經科學,以及語言治療方 面的創新研究。 心血管混合手術室 中大於威爾斯親王醫院設置嶄新的「心 血管混合手術室」,並成立跨專科醫療 團隊,為胸腔主動脈出現病 變的病人提供較低風險、 較高成效的一站式手術治 療。自2013年至2014年 5月,團隊已評估了七十個 病例,並為其中二十九名 病人進行一站式複雜的胸 腔主動脈血管內支架置入 手術,把原來需分階段數 天完成的手術過程大幅縮 短至數小時,大部分病人 手術後康復進度迅速。 新的手術室設置先進影像 設備,包括「C型機械臂 影像裝置」,能為病人 進行三百六十度全面檢 測;並採用由上至下的 標準層流式通風系統, 符合感染控制規格。 field excavations in Hong Kong and several significant archaeological sites in mainland China, organizing international conferences, and publishing archaeological monographs. The joint research base will connect different disciplines across CUHK, including the CCAA, the Institute of Chinese Studies, as well as the Departments of History, Anthropology, Fine Arts and Physics, in pushing the frontiers of Chinese archaeology. CUHK–UU Joint Centre for Language, Mind and Brain CUHK and Utrecht University (UU) in the Netherlands held the opening ceremony of the CUHK–UU Joint Centre for Language, Mind and Brain at CUHK on 13 March 2014. The Joint Centre provides an international platform to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in language, mind and brain. It represents an innovative effort to synergize and combine the strengths of CUHK and UU in areas involving the biological basis of language learning and development, cognitive neuroscience, and speech- language therapy. Hybrid Cardiovascular Operating Theatre In 2013, CUHK set up an innovative Hybrid Cardiovascular Operating Theatre at the Prince of Wales Hospital and formed a multidisciplinary specialist team to provide safer and more efficient one-stop consultation and surgery care for patients suffering from thoracic aortic pathologies. From its inception to May 2014, the team has analysed 70 cases and performed one-stop complex thoracic aortic endovascular stenting operations for 29 patients. Compared to the conventional approach, operation time is significantly reduced from a few days to several hours, with satisfactory recovery progress. The new hybrid operating theatre is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging facilities. Among these is a Robotic C-arm imaging device which is able to perform 360-degree thorough examination of patients while its laminar air flow system ensures strict compliance to infection control standard. 45