Annual Report 2013–14

64 附錄 Appendices 榮譽勳章 Medal of Honour 北區區議會議員劉國勳先生 Mr. Lau Kwok-fan, Member, North District Council 促進種族和諧委員會非官方成員古龍沙美娜醫生 Dr. Sharmila Gurung, Non-official members, The Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony 香港精神大使張潤衡先生 Mr. Cheung Yun-hang Stanley, Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador 青山醫院、小欖醫院及北大嶼山醫院醫院管治委員會成員陳孝慈先生 Mr. Chan How-chi, Member, Hospital Governing Committee, Castle Peak Hospital, Siu Lam Hospital and North Lantau Hospital 香港話劇團行政總監陳健彬先生 Mr. Chan Kin-bun, Executive Director, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre 行政長官社區服務獎狀 Chief Executive ’s Commendation for Community Service 致成建築工程有限公司董事林耀文先生 Mr. Lam Yiu-man Simon, Director, Chi Shing Construction & Engineering Ltd. 東華三院李嘉誠中學校長梁學圃先生 Mr. Leung Hok-po, Principal, TWGHs Li Ka Shing College 促進種族和諧委員會非官方成員郭月娟女士 Ms Rosalia Kamariah Kesuma, Non-official members, The Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony 地利亞修女紀念學校(百老匯)助理校長劉國張先生 Mr. Lau Kwok-chang, Assistant Principal, Delia Memorial School (Broadway) 全球校友網絡 Alumni Network Worldwide 本地校友組織數目 Number of Local Alumni Associations 82 海外校友組織數目 Number of Overseas Alumni Associations 40 重要數字 Quick Facts 畢業人次 Number of Graduates 168,861 《中大校友》雜誌每季發行量 Number of CU Alumni Magazine Sent Each Quarter 95,000 《中大校友電子月報》讀者人數 Number of Subscribers of Alumni Matters 72,602