Annual Report 2013–14

63 校友 Alumni 名列2014年香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2014 HKSAR Honours List 金紫荊星章 Gold Bauhinia Star 關愛基金執行委員會主席及扶貧委員會非官方委員羅致光博士 Dr. Law Chi-kwong, Executive Committee Chairman, Community Care Fund and Non-official Member, Commission on Poverty 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star 前統計處處長歐陽方麗麗女士 Mrs. Ou-Yang Fong Lily, Former Commissioner for Census and Statistics 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 香港中文大學副校長侯傑泰教授 Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組主席張建良醫生 Dr. Cheung Kin-leung, Ben, Chairman, Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation, Action Committee Against Narcotics 香港國際仲裁中心主席王桂壎先生 Mr. Wong Kwai-huen, Albert, Chairman, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 新界社團聯會(新社聯)理事長陳勇先生 Mr. Chan Yung, Chairman, New Territories Association of Societies 前聯合出版(集團)有限公司副董事長兼總裁陳萬雄博士 Dr. Chan Man-hung, former President and Vice Chairman, Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Ltd. 社會福利署副署長馮伯欣先生 Mr. Fung Pak-yan, Deputy Director, Social Welfare Department 前教育局副秘書長葉曾翠卿女士 Mrs. Ip Tsang Chui-hing Betty, Former Deputy Secretary for Education 廉政公署防止貪污處處長謝萬誠先生 Mr. Tse Man-shing, Director, Corruption Prevention Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption 鳳溪公立學校董事局行政總裁馬紹良先生 Mr. Ma Siu-leung, Chief Executive Officer, Fung Kai Public School 銅英勇勳章 Medal of Bravery (Bronze) 飛行服務隊高級行動機師鄧成東機長 Captain Tang Sing-tung Ardis, Senior Line Pilot, Government Flying Service Operations 附錄八 Appendix VIII