Annual Report 2014–15

開展、協調和鼓勵社會服務項目,在 2014至15年度,該計劃共支持了十四 項學生的社會服務計劃。得力於大學 協助,博群計劃能夠以盱衡全局的眼 光,找出社會哪一部分有最迫切的 需要,學生團體怎樣能提供最符合成 本效益和最有用的服務。結果,大多 數博群計劃的服務項目,成果都令 人滿意,受惠者也認為很有幫助。除 了博群計劃,學生團體也各自組織許 多類型不同的義務公益活動,不少是 得到各書院支持。這種博施濟眾的傳 統,在中文大學正式成立前,三所 成員書院早已有之,到現在仍繼續發 揚延續。 在過去一年,本校同事和學生屢次遠 赴外地行善,我在此僅提其中兩項。 在2014年夏天,雲南省東北部遭遇 6.5級地震,災情慘重,不幸罹難者 眾,樓房嚴重損毀。地震後,一支由 a comprehensive view of where needs were the most urgent in the community, and where student groups could offer the most cost-effective and useful services. As a result most of the I • CARE projects were concluded with highly desirable results and were hailed as truly helpful to the clients concerned. Besides I • CARE, there was also a large variety of volunteer and pro bono activities mounted by student groups, many under College auspices, continuing a very long tradition of relief, service, care and concern that began long before the University was incorporated. Of the many outbound expeditions of our colleagues and students during the year I would like to make special mention of two. After the atrocities of a 6.5-magnitude earthquake which hit northeast Yunnan in summer 2014 and which resulted in tragic loss of lives and serious wreckage of properties, a team of CUHK academics and students were soon on the site to offer help. They were later joined by delegations from other universities both in China and abroad and together they offered assistance and support to the relief and rebuilding initiatives in the affected areas. Then, in April 2015, an even more powerful series of earthquakes devastated Nepal, and CUHK personnel were also soon at the scene to help in the 8 步入成年的大學 A University That Has Come of Age