Annual Report 2014–15

中大師生組成的隊伍很快前往當地施 以援手,其後中國大陸和海外的院校 也加入合作,一同協助和支援受災地 區的重建工作。2015年4月,一連串 規模更大的地震重創尼泊爾,由中大 人組成的隊伍也很快到當地,提供 公共衞生和健康方面的援助。這些故 事詳見〈服務與關懷〉一章,當中還 有許多其他中大人行善的故事,溫馨 感人,讀者從中可見本校學生的關愛 胸懷。 人物 本年度葉元章先生、林宣武先生、 查懋德先生、黃顯榮先生和李劍雄先 生任滿卸任校董。殷巧兒女士、盧迪 生先生、梁祥彪先生、梁乃鵬博士、 林偉雄先生、阮德添先生獲委任為新 校董。我代表大學管理層感謝所有離 任校董在任內的建樹和睿見,並歡迎 新任校董。 本年度大學管理層的人員變動不多, 霍泰輝教授和張妙清教授獲續任副校 長,協理副校長潘偉賢教授則晉升為 副校長。 卷尾語 每次撰寫《中文大學年報》前言至 篇終,對於我們又度過成績斐然的一 年,我內心都油然泛起感激之情。我 要藉此機會感謝大學校董會主席和成 員、學術和行政單位的同事、學生、 校友,以及社會上的支持者和友好 慷慨協助和建言。中文大學已邁入成 年,我們須當加倍努力,穩守決心 健步前進。我們相信,得到各位的支 持,來年也當成功在望,豐收可期。 maintenance of public sanitation and health care. These, and many other heart-warming stories of human charity and compassion, may be read in greater detail in the relevant chapter, where they will serve as fitting reminders of the love, care and concern of CUHK students for their fellow human beings. People During the year under review, Mr. Anthony Y.C. Yeh, Mr. S.M. Lin, Mr. Johnson M.D. Cha, Mr. Simon H.W. Wong, and Mr. John K.H. Lee relinquished their membership of the University Council upon the completion of terms. Ms. Lina H.Y. Yan, Mr. Dickson D.S. Lo, Mr. Thomas C.B. Liang, Dr. Norman N.P. Leung, Mr. Enders W.H. Lam and Mr. Anthony T.T. Yuen were appointed to the Council. On behalf of the University Administration, I sincerely thank all outgoing Council members for their significant contribution and wise counsel during the tenure of their member- ship, and warmly welcome the newly appointed members as they commenced their membership. There were very few personnel changes in the senior management of the University during the year under review, which saw the re- appointment of Prof. Fok Tai-fai and Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung as Pro-Vice-Chancellors, and the elevation of Prof. Poon Wai-yin from Associate Vice-President to Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Concluding Thoughts Every time I come to the end of writing the foreword for the University’s Annual Report , my heart swells with a deep sense of gratitude for another year of substantial achievements. I take the opportunity here to thank the Chairman and members of the University Council, my academic and administrative colleagues, students, alumni, and our benefactors and friends in the community at large for being so generous with their assistance and advice. That the Chinese University has become of age will urge us to forge ahead with redoubled vigour and resolve, and we trust that, with the support of you all, the forthcoming year will yet be another one of success and accomplishments. 2015年12月 December 2015 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 9