Annual Report 2014–15

I • CARE Programme During the year under review, the I • CARE Programme organized and supported a wide range of inspiring activities. On 7 November 2014, Mr. Kris Yao, a renowned Taiwanese architect, delivered a lecture on campus as the speaker of the University Lecture on Civility. Mr. Yao used some of his architectural projects to introduce the audience to his ideas of architecture. Following the success of the first ever I • CARE Floral Festival in 2012, the second of the series was held from 2 March to 2 April 2015. With the theme of ‘Those Unplanted Flowers’, I • CARE Floral Festival arranged a series of activities for CUHK members and the public, including lectures, outings, a reading club, and film screening and sharing sessions. On 10 March, Taiwanese writer Liu Ka-shiang visited CUHK, sharing on the United College lawn his discoveries of Hong Kong’s lesser- known natural scenery. On 31 March, after the screening of the film Murmur of the Hearts , Ms. Sylvia Chang, director of the film, and Ms. Angelica Lee, actress, shared their journey of creation and realization through performance in a discussion session. Exploration tours to Grass Island, Pyramid Hill and CUHK campus were arranged with Dr. Leung Kai-chi, alumnus Mr. Au Ka-lun Allan, Prof. Eric K.W. Ma, and Mr. George C.K. Jor, founder of the CU Tree Project, as their leaders. On 2 April, the festival held its finale party beside Lake Ad Excellentiam , which was decorated with sculptures and special lighting effects. Chessboards, Chinese tea and traditional Hakka snacks were prepared for the participants’ enjoyment. On the lawn, students, alumni and teachers shared music and poetry. 博群計劃 在2014至15年度,博群計劃一如以 往籌辦了多項活動。在2014年11月 7日,邀得台灣著名建築師姚仁喜演 講,題為「結廬在人境」。姚仁喜 以他的作品為例,闡述自己的建築理 念。 在2015年3月2日至4月2日,2012年首 辦的「博群花節」重臨校園,以「未 種的花」為題,舉辦了一系列講座、 遠足郊遊、讀書會、電影放映及座談 會等活動,包括台灣作家劉克襄在3月 10日於聯合書院草坪與學生分享他在 香港旅行發現不為一般人所知的自然 美景;3月31日舉行電影《念念》的 放映會和座談會,導演張艾嘉與演員 李心潔親蒞校園,暢談創作歷程和演 出體會。 校園以外,「博群花節」特邀梁啟智 博士、區家麟校友、馬傑偉教授及中 大樹木計劃創辦人左治強先生領隊, 與學生到塔門、大金鐘山踏青,並導 賞中大校園的花草植物。 在4月2日於未圓湖舉行的園遊會,既 有別具新意的藝術擺設作伴,棋盤、 茶點與客家傳統小吃供來賓消遣和享 用,更有音樂演奏及詩歌朗誦等表 演,這一年的「博群花節」至此告一 段落。 18 寰宇實習與創業計劃 Global Internship and Entrepreneurship