Annual Report 2014–15

Cloud-based eLearning Platform The University has launched KEEP (Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform), a cloud-based e-learning platform developed and initiated by CUHK with its partner institutions. KEEP, now open for subscription, aims at offering a personalized educational portal for users to easily search, subscribe and access content related to education from the KEEP Cloud Ecosystem. KEEP is supported by the UGC with a grant of HK$15 million for three years. Its principal investigators include Prof. Irwin King, Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Prof. Poon Wai-yin, Department of Statistics; and Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology. Aimed at improving the efficiency and interactivity of teaching and learning, KEEP serves as a central-point, one stop education cloud where users can access a full array of educational resources, particularly those developed by educators in Hong Kong. 雲端教育平台 由中大主導,與香港教育學院、香港 理工大學、香港科技大學、香港城市 大學、香港浸會大學、嶺南大學、香 港大學攜手合作創立的「知識與教育 交流平台」(KEEP)正式面世,是本 港首個支援線上學習的一站式雲端平 台,匯集各種線上學習工具、應用程 式及教育資源,供市民登記使用。 KEEP於2014年獲教資會資助,總資金 一千五百萬港元,開發期為三年。首 席研究員包括計算機科學與工程學 系金國慶教授、統計學系潘偉賢教 授及卓敏教育心理學講座教授侯傑泰 教授。 KEEP整合林林總總的教育系統和資 源,用戶可在此一站式平台,便捷 取得教育資源,特別是本地教育工作 者所建立的資源(例如課程資料及工 具等),藉此提升教與學的效率及互 動。 雲端教育平台四項主要功能: Four major features of KEEP: KEEPSearch:匯集及整合與教育相關的信息及資料,已蒐集以香 港地區為主的網上教育資料達三百萬項; KEEPCourse:讓用戶透過 KEEP 進入多個國際大型公開網上課程平 台選讀課程,如Coursera、edX、ewant 和學堂在線。教師亦可使 用 Open edX、Google Course Builder、Moodle、Open Canvas 等線上工具創建課程; KEEPCatalog:集合各類有助教學與學習的教育軟件; KEEPoll:供免費建立投票活動,讓用者經由網上或手機參加投 票,從而增加課堂互動,提升學生的學習興趣。 KEEPSearch : an in-depth directory and search engine with dedicated and exclusive educational resources with over three million education-related webpages being crawled and indexed; KEEPCourse : serving as a gateway for students to experiment blended-learning on advanced MOOC environments such as Coursera, edX, ewant, xuetangX, etc., and providing teachers with learning management systems, including Open edX, Google Course Builder, Moodle, Open Canvas; KEEPCatalog : a showcase collection of the best-in-class software, hardware, and services for teaching and learning; KEEPoll : providing real-time web and mobile polling service to increase student engagement and teaching quality. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 19