Annual Report 2014–15

中 文大學重視德學雙修,為學生 造就多種服務機會,鼓勵他們 除了嚴謹治學之外,也關顧本地和世 界各地有需要的人。在2014至15學 年,大學的博群計劃支援十四個本校 學生參與或自發組織的本地及海外 社會服務項目,照顧不同階層及種族 人士所需。除了博群計劃資助的項 目,過去一年校內各書院和學院也舉 辦了許多師生參與的義工服務。 一專一村 在2014年8月3日,雲南省昭通市魯甸 縣發生6.5級地震,逾八萬間房屋倒 塌,近十三萬間嚴重損壞。中大「一 專一村」團隊遂聯繫昆明理工大學, 在9月到訪災區,了解受影響村落的 情況及需要。 到了10月下旬,由中大、昆明理工大 學及劍橋大學組成的八人團隊到訪 魯甸縣光明村,隊員包括中大建築 學院教授吳恩融(左一)、博士生遲 辛安(右一)和李克翰,經詳細考察 後,決定為當地村民展開農村災後重 建項目,致力設計低成本又能保持傳 統風貌的抗震民居,以改善村民的居 住環境,並為當地政府部門的災後重 建提供示範和技術支援。 C UHK encourages its students to serve locally and globally, and provides them with service opportunities that complement a rigorous academic experience. In the year 2014–15, the University’s I • CARE Programme supported 14 social service projects, benefiting people in need, regardless of class or race. In addition to those funded by the I • CARE Programme, there were other service projects initiated by CUHK members from different Faculties and Colleges during the last academic year. One University One Village In 3 August 2014, Ludian County of Zhaotong Prefecture in Yunnan was struck by a 6.5-magnitude earthquake. Over 80,000 buildings collapsed and nearly 130,000 damaged. When the CUHK ‘One University One Village’ team learned of the news, they visited the affected areas in Ludian with their counterpart from the Kunming University of Science and Technology (KMUST) in September to assess the situation and the needs of the earthquake-ravaged villages. In late October, a team formed by CUHK, KMUST, and the Uni- versity of Cambridge visited Guangming village in Ludian County. Members from CUHK included Prof. Edward Ng ( 1st left ), PhD students Mr. Chi Xinan ( 1st right ) and Ms. Li Kehan. After a detailed investigation, they decided to launch a Village Rebuilding Assistance Programme in the village. Their aim was to design a low-cost, earthquake-resistant building which can improve the villagers’ living conditions and preserve the features of vernacular architecture. This would serve also as a demonstration project for the local government, providing technical support for its post-earthquake reconstruction plans. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 33