Annual Report 2014–15

「一專一村」 是 中大建築學院吳恩融教 授發起的農村可持續發展支 援計劃,宗旨是善用大學的專業 知識和人力資源,有策略、有系統和可 持續地改善農村生活。 「一專一村」自2013年起,在雲南省怒江州貢山縣秋那桶村開展支援項目,支 援重點涵蓋農業經濟、公共衞生及民生等方面。至本年度止,已在該村完成多項工 作,包括調查當地農業情況,制訂扶助策略,例如引入菇房和溫室;檢測民居室內空氣 質素;以問卷評估燃燒木柴對居民健康的影響;蒐集民間故事;美化籃球場;以及改 良村內步道防滑設計。 ‘One University One Village’ is a rural sustainable development assistance programme initiated by Prof. Edward Ng at the School of Architecture. The pro- gramme seeks to bring together the expertise, knowledge and human resources of a university to improve the livelihood of a village and its needy villagers in a strategic, systematic and sustainable manner. The ‘One University One Village’ team started a project in Qiunatong Village, Gongshan County, Nujiang Prefecture, Yunnan Province in 2013. The project is aimed at improving various aspects of life in the village, including local economy, public health, and living conditions. Up to the end of the year under review, the team completed a number of tasks in the village, including investigation of its agriculture and formulation of support strategies, such as the introduction of mushroom growing houses and greenhouses; testing of indoor air quality; a questionnaire survey of the impact of wood-burning stoves on villagers’ health; folklore collection; renovation of a basketball field; and devising anti-slip solutions to improve safety of walking paths. 團隊研究出一種抗震夯土建築技術, 並選了光明村一戶人家為示範點,為 他們重建家園,並在10月底開始施 工。 夯土牆的地震模擬震動台實驗於2015年 1月中旬在昆明理工大學抗震試驗所進 行,結果證明抗震性能良好。首間示 範房屋於該年3月底竣工。團隊在檢討 總結了首間示範房屋的建造技術和經 驗後,計畫在2015年11月開始建造第 二棟示範房屋,並在此後推廣給周邊 村落更多有需要的村民。 After finishing the design of an earthquake-resistant, rammed-earth house, the team decided to build a new house for a family in Guangming village. Construction works began in the end of October 2014. In mid-January 2015, the team tested the seismic performance of rammed earth wall at an earthquake simulation facility in the KMUST. The results proved that this structure had high seismic resistance. The first demonstration village house was completed in the end of March. The team reviewed the construction techniques to improve the building process. Construction works of the second demonstration house was scheduled for November 2015. The team will build more houses with these techniques for the villagers and promote them to other rural areas. 34 服務與關懷 Serving and Caring