Annual Report 2014–15

中心暫任總監李翰林教授說: 「醫學和 生物科技急速發展,為我們帶來了道 德倫理難題。雖然人類有了改變世界 的科技(例如基因增強),但問題是: 應當這樣做嗎?這些倫理道德問題不 僅令人省思,而且在現實中很重要。 要是不加解決,生物科技的 進步就會受掣肘。」 周毓浩創新醫學技術中心 中大成立周毓浩創新醫學技術中心, 讓醫學院的臨床醫生及工程學院的工 程師交流合作,推進生物醫學工程的 創新研究,加強臨床醫學治療。中 心於2015年1月30日舉行開幕典禮。 中心主任趙偉仁教授(左四)表示: 「本中心以醫療機械人醫學、醫學成 像及生物醫學傳感三大生物醫學工 程範疇為研究重點,如納米機器人技 術、創新神經影像學及無創醫學監 測等。」 國學中心 馮燊均國學基金會慷慨捐款一千萬港 元,成立文學院國學中心,並支持中 心首五年運作,推動國學發展,弘揚 傳統文化。中心成立典禮於2015年3月 3日在祖堯堂舉行。 由鄧立光博士擔任主任的國學中心, 會定期舉辦「馮燊均學術講座」及 其他國學研討會,又會設計國學通識 學分課程,供中大所有學生選讀。 中心也希望與不同團體合作,舉辦 與國學精神和經典義理相關的活 動。 Prof. Li Hon-lam, interim director of the centre, said, ‘Rapid advances in medicine and biotechnology have given rise to a new challenge: the ethical challenge. Though humankind has the technology to make a difference to the world (such as through genetic enhancement), the question is: Should we? These ethical issues are not only thought-provoking, but also practically important. Without a breakthrough in resolving these issues, advances in biomedical technology would have to be stalled.’ ChowYuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine To further sustain innovative research in biomedical engineering focusing on clinical application, CUHK has established the Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine. It serves as a platform for engineers and clinicians from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine to encourage academic exchange and collaboration. The opening ceremony was held on 30 January 2015. Prof. Philip Chiu ( 4th left ), director of the centre, said, ‘The centre focuses on three research areas in biomedical engineering—robotics, imaging and biosensing, including nano-robotics, innovative neuro-imaging and non-invasive medical monitoring.’ Centre for Chinese Classical Learning With the generous donation of HK$10 million from the Fung Sun Kwan Chinese Arts Foundation, CUHK has established the new Centre for Chinese Classical Learning under the Faculty of Arts. The donation will be used to support the operation of the centre in the first five years and for the promotion of Chinese classical learning and traditional Chinese values and virtues. The inauguration ceremony of the centre was held on 3 March 2015 at Cho Yiu Hall of CUHK. Under the directorship of Dr. Tang Lap-kwong, the centre regularly organizes lectures and seminars on Chinese culture, and offers credit-bearing General Education courses for students. To promote Chinese classical learning to a wider population, other activities and programmes related to Chinese classics and traditional values will also be initiated by the centre. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 45