Annual Report 2014–15

I n my foreword to the CUHK Annual Report last year, I recalled with happy memory the spectacular celebrations that marked the 50th anniversary of the Chinese University, and expressed my deep gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the Golden Jubilee. Now, a year later, with the splendours of the festivities still vivid in our mind, it is an opportune time for us to take stock of what we have achieved, and consider our orientation and mission in preparation for the days ahead. A university is a living organism that does have a life span of its own. The first 50 years or so may be reckoned as a period of growth, development and exploration. A university that has crossed the 50 threshold may thus be deemed to have reached maturity, entering a new phase of its life—the university has come of age. We at The Chinese University of Hong Kong are truly blessed to have been built upon the unshakeable terra firma of the foundation Colleges, have enjoyed the generous and unswerving support of both government and community, and, at the confluence of the East-West streams of intellectual endeavours, have benefitted from the best of the academic traditions of both worlds. Now that we are of age, it is time for us to bid a fond farewell to our bildungsroman , and take on the vigours and challenges of composing our own epic. What springs immediately to mind at one’s coming of age is certainly the weight of the responsibilities that one must bear, the duties one has to perform, and the others’ expectations. For the Chinese University, we are indeed vested with unique and important responsibilities in many spheres. Culturally, we are tasked with the perpetuation and development of traditional Chinese humanistic ideas and values, and encouraging the 在 去年《中文大學年報》的前 言,我曾回顧中大五十周年豐 富多彩的慶祝活動,衷心感謝每一位 為籌備金禧校慶出力的人士。一年轉 眼已過,當時的歡樂場景依然歷 歷在目,正是時候重新回顧中大的 定位,總結一年來努力的成果,並為 未來訂下長遠的目標與方向。 大學是有生命的個體,需要經歷成長 的各個階段:首五十年可視為發展 和探索的成長歲月。一所跨過五十大 關的大學,可說已經發展成熟,預備 步入生命的新階段,也就是說,這所 大學已屆成年。 中文大學建基於幾所早期成立的書 院,在這紮實的基石上,承蒙政府及 社會各界鼎力支持,在東西學術文化 交會的香港,兼取兩者之長。現在中 大已成年,可以揮別成長時期的戰競 摸索,抖擻精神迎接新挑戰,昂首闊 步邁進,譜寫我們的史詩。 一提到成年,在我腦海所浮現的, 就是隨之而來的重責、任務和別人的 期望。中文大學於許多方面都肩負獨 特和重要的使命。文化上,我們要 維護和發揚傳統中國文化的人文精 神與價值觀,同時促進中西思想的融 合;學術上,本校是香港的高等學 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 3