Annual Report 2015–16

As always, CUHK has been harnessing the power of knowledge in support of social services. Hong Kong Children Eye Study Since 2015, the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences has been conducting a two-year Hong Kong Children Eye Study to provide free eye comprehensive screening to 3,000 children aged six to eight. Most of the ocular diseases can be detected to facilitate proper treatment and referral to specialists through the screening programme, such as refractive errors, strabismus, amblyopia, allergic eye diseases, colour deficiency, and even paediatric corneal diseases and hereditary retina diseases, which are usually hard to discover. Over 700 children from Wan Chai have benefitted from the first phase of the programme. The eye screening service will be expanded to Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai and other districts. 發揮知識的力量,服務社會,是中大 一直秉持的精神。 兒童眼疾普查研究計劃 醫學院眼科及視覺科學學系在 2015 年展開香港兒童眼疾普查研究 計劃,免費為全港約三千名六至八 歲學童提供全面眼科檢查,為期兩 年。常見眼疾如屈光不正、斜視、弱 視、敏感、色弱,甚至較難發現的小 兒角膜疾病和視網膜遺傳眼疾,均 可藉此發現,並接受適當治療和專 科轉介。首階段受惠者是灣仔區七 百多名學童,其後元朗、天水圍及其 他地區的學童將陸續接受檢查。 促進全民健康 Promoting Health for Everyone 44 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2015–2016