Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 1 Jun 1964

international character of the Chinese University which should not be minimized and which is going to be a factor that could bring the Chinese University into the arena of world university education in the shortest possible time. PUR PL E AND GOLD T he Distinctive Marks and Ceremonial Dress Com mittee approved the colours purple and gold as the colours of the University. 'Purple is a traditional regal colour in both Western and Chinese civilizations,' said Committee member Mr. N. H. Young. 'It signifies devotion and loyalty.' 'Gold gives the feeling of brilliance and richness in scholastic pursuit. It also symbolizes perseverance, the will and resolution.' 'The Committee was unanimous in these choices, ’ Mr. Young reported. P 〇 WEN YUEH L I The University Distinctive Marks and Ceremonial Dress Committee, on January 17’ considered three mottoes contributed by the Chinese Literature Department Heads of the three Foundation Colleges and agreed to adopt the one recommended by New Asia College. T he motto of the University is 博 文 約 禮 ( Po Wen Yueh Li). ‘By extensively studying all learning, and keeping himself under the restraint of the rules of propriety, one may thus likewise not err from what is right.’ Legge, Vol. 1’ p. 257 According to the statement of proposal by New Asia College, it sa id : As recorded in the Analects of Confucius, Yen Yuan, one of the disciples of Confucius, in praising his master's teaching method, quoted ‘ 博 文 約 禮 ’ as the principle. The great Sung Confucianists, the Ch'eng brothers and Chu Hsi, also mentioned ' 博 文 約 禮 ' as the principal part of Confucius' teaching method. T o interpret it in modern terms, ‘ 文 ’ covers all kinds of knowledge and learning contained in various writings and seen in nature and human affairs. Ancient Chinese used such terms as ‘ 天 文 ’ ( the learning of Heaven), ‘ 地 文 ’ (the learning of Earth) and ‘ 人 文 ’ (the learning of Man), which altogether include the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. ‘ 禮 ’ covers all human behaviour, personal virtue and moral cultivation, order and rites of propriety in individual homes and in society, and the constitution and institutions of the state and government. T h e search for all knowledge and learning must be extensive—this is ‘ 博 文 ’ ; and the final aim of such search must be the application and practice of what has been acquired—this is ‘ 約 禮 ’ . Modern educational institutions all start with general education and end in specialization and practice, and this agrees with ‘ 博 文 約 禮 ' as taught by Confucius. Since the aims of the Chinese University are to revere and promote traditional Chinese culture as well as to form a common course of the world, to lay equal emphasis on virtue and knowledge, and to let theory and practice go abreast, it is most appropriate to adopt ‘ 博 文 約 禮 ' as the University motto. COUNC IL , BOARDS AND COMM I T T E E S The Academic Planning Committee T he Academic Planning Committee is a permanent executive body, composed of the three Presidents of the Foundation Colleges together with the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman. T h e Registrar serves as Secretary. T h e Committee meets at least once each week, 'We attach great importance to this body,' recommended the Fulton Report. 'We hope that a close working relation- ship will grow between the Presidents of the Colleges and the Vice-Chancellor in carrying out the tasks which will fall to it; it will be small and intimate enough to foresee, and provide against, difficulties before they have reached serious proportions; it will be a permanent working party whose planning and preparation of University business, will ensure that the deliberations of the University Council will be as well-informed, as relevant and as decisive as possible.’ This recommendation is an exact description of the way the Committee has been operating. Members of the Academic Planning Committee are: Dr. Choh-M ing Li (Chairman), Mr. T . C. Cheng, Dr. Ch'ien Mu, and Dr. C. T . Yung. Secretary: Mr. H. T . Wu. Inter-Collegiate Teaching Committee T h e Committee, under the Joint Chairmenship of Dr. T . C. Ou and Mr. P. S. K. Fang, is to examine the practical problems of inter-collegiate teaching for Third- and Fourth-year courses. Inter-collegiate teaching requires re-scheduling of courses, transportation arrangements for students and teachers, etc. At the present stage the programme would possibly start with only a certain number of courses rather than all the Third- and Fourth- year courses. T h e Committee is to come up with a work able recommendation as soon as possible so that the plan may be put into operation immediately. Members of the Committee are: Mr. P. S. K. Fang (Co-Chairman), Dr. T . C. Ou (Co-Chairman), Dr. Daniel Y. Chang, Dr. S. T . Tsou, Mr. Kao Ming, Dr. C. S. Tsang, Dr. Tsao Maak Sang and Mr. Wang Chi. Teaching Method Committee T h e Committee is requested to examine in detail the present teaching system and to come up with a proposed workable programme which will adapt the best features of the British, American and other systems to our needs. T h e Vice-Chancellor has conducted some enquiries along these lines in the past, and has come to the tentative idea that for the purpose of the University the emphasis may well be on tutoring (in some form) in the first two years, on lecturing and small group discussions in the next 3