Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 1 Jun 1964
two years and on seminar work in the post-graduate schools. As regards syllabuses, while their content does not come under the purview of the Committee, their nature will be commented upon. It is expected that the report of the Committee will furnish the basis for discussion when the two experts from England, Professor A. G. Lehmann and Dr. John V. Loach, arrive in early fall. 'Revision of university teaching methods is of great import,' said the Vice-Chancellor in his instruction to the Committee members, ‘Such study has never been attempt ed before in the universities in Asia. T h e report of the Committee will have a great deal to do with the course of development of this University.' T h e members of the Committee are: Dr. C. T . Yung (Chairman), Dr. S. T . Tsou, Dr. N. E. Fehl, Dr. Yang Ju-mei, Dr. Yen Kuo-yung, Mr. N. H. Young and Mr. R. N. Rayne (Secretary). Extra-Mural Studies Committee T h e Committee, chaired by Mr. T . C. Cheng, President of United College, is composed of many people outside of the University. T h e Committee is to examine the possibility of institu- ting extra-mural activities for the Chinese University and to come up with a proposed workable programme. This will involve among other things the determination of different lines of studies to be engaged in the courses in- volved, the location for delivering such courses, teaching personnel, budgetary requirement, co-ordination with the University of Hong Kong, arrangements with the Govern- ment and community, etc. This programme will serve the vital purpose of integrating the Chinese University with the community. It is expected that the Committee's report will be available soon so that the programme may be put into effect this fall. T he members of the Committee are: Mr. T . C. Cheng (Chairman), Mr. Cheung Shiu-kwai, Mr. T . C. Lai, Mrs. Ellen Li Shu-pui, Mr. Tang Chun I , Mr. C. F. Teng and Mr. N. H. Young. University Council T h e Hon. C. Y. Kwan (Chairman), Th e Hon. R. C. Lee (Vice-Chairman), Mr. Q. W. Lee (Treasurer), Mr. T . C. Cheng, Dr. Ch'ien Mu, Mr. J. S. Fulton, T h e Hon. Fung Ping Fan, T h e Hon. S. S. Gordon, T h e Hon. W. D. Gregg, Mr. J. S. Lee, Dr. Choh-M ing Li, The Hon. F. S. Li, Mrs. Ellen Li Shu-pui, T h e Hon. J. C. McDouall, Dr. S. H. Pang, Dr. Nathan M. Pusey, Mr. R. N. Rayne, Sir Lindsay Ride, Mr. B. P. Schoyer, Mr. P. Y. Tang, Dr. Y. C. Wong, Dr. P. C. Woo, Dr. C. T . Yung, and Mr. H. T . Wu (Secretary). Finance Committee Mr. Q . W. Lee (Chairman), Mr. T . C . Cheng, Dr. Ch'ien Mu, T h e Hon. S. S. Gordon, Mr. Lee lu Cheung, Dr. Choh-Ming Li, Mr. G. T . Rowe, Dr. P. C. Woo, Dr. C. T . Yung, and Mr. H. T . Wu (Secretary). Advisory Boards on Academic Matters 1. Board on Natural Sciences: F. G. Young (Chairman), Professor of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge. Shiing-shen Chern, Professor of Mathematics, University of California (Berkeley), Choh-hao Li, Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences, Director of Hormone Laboratory, University of California (Berkeley). Tsung- dao Lee, Professor of Physics, Columbia University, Nobel Laureate. Thong Saw Pak, Department Head and Professor of Physics, University of Malaya, Ching-hsiung Wu, Professor of Physics, Columbia University. 2. Board on Humanities: Yuen Ren Chao (Chairman), Professor Emeritus, University of California (Berkeley). Fang-kuei Li, Professor of Linguistics, University of Washington. C. H. Philips, Director, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Lien-sheng Yang, Professor of Chinese History, Harvard University. 3. Board on Social Sciences and Business Administration: Simon Kuznets (Chairman), Professor of Economics, Harvard University. Sir Sidney Caine, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London. Carlo M. Cipolla, Professor of Economic History, University of Turin, Italy. Franklin L. Ho, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Columbia University. Kung-cheun Hsiao, Professor of Political Science, University of Washington. Seymour M. Lipset, Professor of Sociology, University of California (Berkeley). Ta-chung Liu, Professor of Economics, Cornell Univer- sity. Erik Lundberg, Professor of Economics, University of Stockholm, Sweden. Committee to Establish a University Department of Education Mr. H. T . Wu (Chairman), Mr. K. T . Attwell, Mr. T . C. Cheng, Prof. N. K. Henderson, Dr. C. C. Ho, Dr. Ou Tsuin-Chen, Dr. C. S. Tsang, Dr. C. C. Liang (Secretary). Members of the Degree Examination Board Dr. C. T . Yung (Chairman), Dr. E. Brody, Dr. Daniel Y. Chang, Mr. P. S. K. Fang, Dr. B. Hensman, Mr. C. C. Hu, Prof. E. S. K irby, Dr. Z. Y. Kuo, Dr. K. C. Mark, Mr. T ang Chun I , Dr. M. S. Tsao, Dr. S. T . Tsou, Mr. Wang Chi, Prof. Y. C. Wong, Dr. E. Vogel, Dr. Yang Ju-mei, Mr. N. H. Young, Mr. H. T . Wu (Registrar), Mr. S. L. Wang (Examination Secretary). Members of the Matriculation Board Mr. T . C. Cheng (Chairman), Mr. Ian Gower, Mr. Lam Cho Yung, Mr. C. K. Law, Mr. B. Mellor, Dr. Sutu Hsin, Mr. C. K. Tang, Mr. C. K. Tse, Mr. Wan Kam Ming, Mr. Wang Chi, Mr. Wu Chen-hsiung, Mr. N . H. Young, Mr. H. T . Wu (Registrar), and Mr. S. L. Wang (Exam- ination Secretary). Honorary Degrees Committee H. E. Sir David Trench, Dr. Choh-M ing Li, Mr. T . C. Cheng, Dr. Ch'ien Mu, Dr. C. T . Yung, T h e Hon. C. Y. Kwan, T h e Hon. W. D. Gregg and Sir Lindsay Ride. 4
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