Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov 1964

Friday January 8 , 1965. Prof. Noah E. Fehl — “ The Study o f World H is to ry." To be delivered in English. Thursday January 28 Prof. Pauline Young 一 “ How can Social Research serve the Community.” To be delivered in English. Wednesday February 17 Prof. Chen Cheng-siang — "Geographical Evalua tion o f the Chinese Fang-chi." To be delivered in Mandarin. Friday March 5 Prof. Mou Jun-sun — “ The Unique Features of Post-Wei and Chin Academic Learning and their Influence on Later Political and Exam ination Sys tems." To be delivered in Mandarin. F riday March 16 Prof. Bertha Hensman — "Shakespeare's succes sors in English Drama , 1616-1625.” To be delivered in English. Tuesday A p ril 13 Prof. L i H u i-lin — “ The Origin of Cultivated Plants in South East Asia." To be delivered in English. Friday A p ril 30 Prof. Hsu Bay-sung — “ Visco-elastic Behaviour of Fibres.” To be deliverd in English. BOARDS OF STUDIES The Academic Planning Committee, on October 5, unanimously agreed to appoint thirteen Boards of Studies o f the University. The organization and duties of Boards o f Studies as specified in the University Ordinance (Statute 14) read: “ It shall be the duty of each Board of Studies to advise the Senate on the courses o f study w ithin the purview of that Board of Studies , on the ap pointment of internal and external examiners and on such other matters as the Senate may request. ‘‘Each Board of Studies shall consist of — (a) the Vice-Chancellor ex officio; ( b) the President of each of the Colleges ex officio; (c) all the Appointed Teachers and Recognized Lecturers in the subject concerned; and ( d) such Appointed Teachers and Recognized Lec turers in other subjects as in the opinion of the Senate contribute substantially to the teach ing of students who are pursuing courses in the subject in which the Board is established. “ Each Board of Studies shall elect a Chairman from among those of its members who are D irector of University Studies fo r such period as may be determined by the Senate.” The Boards and their memberships are: Chinese Language am i Li ter atu re (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each of the Colleges (c) Dr. Chen Chao-shung M r. Cheng Shui-sum Prof. Chou Fa-kao M r. Chung Y ing Mei M r. Huang Hua-piao Dr. Lee Yun-Kwong M r. Pan Chung-Kwei, D irector o f Studies (Chairman) M r. Tseng Ke-tuan M r. Wong Shiu Shang M r. Wu Tee M r. Yao Hsin-nu n g ( d) Prof. B. Hensman (English) Prof. Mou Jun-sun (Chinese H istory) M r. Yu Chun-Chih (F ine A rts ) M r. S. L. Wang (Secretary) English Language an d Liter atu re (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each of the Colleges ( c) M r. John Snodgrass Barr D r. Chang Pao-heng Prof. Bertha Hensman, D irector of Studies (Chairman) D r. Jennie Huie Mr. Jen Tai M r, A rthu r Hingwon Lee (Secretary) Mrs. Ruth M. Mack Dr. Ting Nai-tung M r. Yeh E. Hsien Eugene ( d) M r. Pan Chung-Kwei (Chinese) Dr. Yang Ju-Mei (Commerce) Philosophy (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each of the Colleges (c) M r. R. N. Rayne Dr. Philip Shen (Secretary) Prof. Tang Chun-l, D irector of Studies (Chairman) (d) Prof. Noah E. Fehl (W o rld H istory) M r. Hsieh Tso-yu (Advanced Chinese) M r. Jen Tai (English) M r. Yu Chun-Chih (Fine A rts) W o r ld H i s to r y (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each of the Colleges 4