Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov 1964

(c ) Prof. Noah Fehl, D irector of Studies (Chairman) M r. Lee D in-yi M r. Tao Chen-yu Dr. George H. C. Wong (Secretary) M r. Chen Ching-ho (Southeast Asian H istory) (d ) Rev. Walton H ibbert Tonge (Religious Knowledge) Prof. Pauline Young (Sociology) Prof. Mou Jun-sun (Chinese H istory) Chinese H i s t o r y (a ) The vice-chancellor (b) The President of each of the Colleges (c) M r. Lau Wai Man M r. Lee D in-yi Prof. Mou Jun-sun, Director o f Studies (Chairman) M r. Sun Kwok Tung ( Secretary) M r. Wong Fook Luen M r. Yen Keng-wang ( d) Prof. Chou Fa-Kao (Chinese) Prof. Noah Fehl (World H istory) M r. Chen Ching-ho (Southeast Asian H isto ry ) Geog r aph y (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President o f each of the Colleges (c) Prof. Chen Cheng-siang, D irector o f Studies (Chairman) M r. Liang Chi Sen (Secretary) M r. Tschang Hsi Lin M r. Yen Keng-wang ( d) Dr. Chen Chia-tsun (Commerce) Prof. Chou Kai-ren (Economics) Prof. Pauline Young (Sociology) Soci ol ogy (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President o f each of the Colleges (c) M r. Ho Kam-Fai (Secretary) Mrs. Florence Kan Ho M r. Hu Chia-chien Miss Lee Hei Man M r. Leng Tsun Dr. Andrew Roy Dr. Tsang Chiu-sam Mr. Wong Shau Lam Prof. Pauline Young, D irector o f Studies (Chairman) (d) Prof. Tang Chun-I (Philosophy) Dr. Yang Ju-mei (Commerce) Ec o nom i c s (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each of the Colleges (c) Dr. Chen Ping-Chuan Prof. Chou Kai-Ren, D irector of Studies (Chairman) Dr. Chu Ping-nam M r. L i Fang-heng Dr. Tchang Pi-kai M r. Tsou A n Chung M r. Tung Kwang Hsien (Acting Chairman) (d) Dr. N .N . Chan (Mathematics) Prof. Chen Cheng-Siang (Geography) Dr. Mark Kent Chun (Commerce) Dr. Sutu Hsin (Commerce) M r. Wu Chen-hsiung (Commerce) Mrs. C. Wong (Secretary) Comme r c e (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President o f each o f the Colleges (c) Dr. Chen Chia-tsun Mr. Ho Hsu-Chao M r. Lee Jun-chung Dr. Mark Kent Chun D r. Sutu Hsin M r. Tao Hsien-mo M r. Teng Chien Fei Mr. Wu Chen-hsiung (Secretary) Dr. Yang Ju-mei, D irector o f Studies (Chairman) Dr. Yang Shu-Chia ( d) Dr. N .N. Chan (Mathematics) Prof. Chen Cheng-siang (Geography) Prof. Chou Ka i-R en /M r. Tung Kwang Hsien (Economics) Dr. George H .C Wong (W o rld H istory) B i o l og y (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each of the Colleges (c) Dr. Bau Y u n-shen Dr. Chang Shu Ting Dr. Chao Chuan-ying Dr. Hsu Y in -M ing (V isiting Professor) Prof. L i H u i-L in , D irector of Studies (Chairman) Dr. Joseph Hwang Chi Chiu (Secretary) Dr. Yen Kwo-yung ( d) Dr. Daniel Chang (Chemistry) Prof. Hsu Bay-sung ( Physics) Dr. Ma L in (Chem istry) M r. Lay Wo Pok (Chemistry) Chem i st r y (a) The Vice-Chancellor ( b) The President of each o f the Colleges (c) Dr. Daniel Y . Chang, D irector of Studies (Chairman) D r. Chang Hson Mou Dr. Chen Tao-Yung, David (Secretary) M r. Chi Hsiu 5