Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov 1964

L a o - T z e and Its Edu catio na l I m p li c a t io n , " and some translations of John Dewey's works into Chinese. Dr. S. T . Tsou, Un ited College. A graduate of the Department of Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Dr. Tsou joined the faculty of his alma mater in 1939 and became Lecturer in Mathematics in 1945. In 1950, D r. Tsou took up a part-time Lectureship at the University of Hong Kong, and a year later became a full-time member of the Department o f Mathematics of that U n iversity In 1953, he was awarded a British Council Scholarship ship and was granted study leave by the University of Hong Kong to engage in research and advanced studies under Professor A .G . Walker at the University of Liverpool, where he was conferred a Ph.D. degree in 1955. He returned to the University of Hong Kong in 1955 and held the post of Lecturer in Mathematics there from 1958 to 1963. In September 1963, D r. Tsou joined the United College as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and also assumed duties as Head o f the Department of Mathematics and as Dean of the Faculty of Science. Meanwhile, D r. Tsou continued his service at the University of Hong Kong until May 1964 as a Part-time Lecturer. D r. Tsou's special field of interest is the differential- geometric aspects of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. D r . Yan g Ju-me i, N e w A s i a College. Born in Tzehsien , Hopeh , 1899, Dr. Yang graduated from the University o f Michigan in 1923 w ith a B .A. degree in Economics, obtained his M .A . degree in 1924 and Ph.D. degree in 1926 from the same University. On his return to China, he taught in the follow ing universities: Chiao-Tung, Chinan, Kwang Hwa, and Shanghai. Meanwhile he had been manager in many banks in China. He joined the staff of New Asia College in 1949. His publications: G o o d w i l l and o the r I n t angi b l e Changes in Mo n e t a r y Va l ue and P r ob l em o f C o n version; A c c o u n t i n g in a Fr ee Ec on omy . NEW UNIVERSITY STAFF Mr s . E t he l J. Fehl , De p u t y Regi st r ar Designat e Mrs. Ethel J. Fehl, Bursar of Chung Chi College, commencing on November 3, has been working in the Central Office two afternoons every week to assist the Registrar in general administrative matters. Her duty is to attend Finance Committee and Council meeting w ith the Registrar and to prepare minutes of the two bodies. She may start working full-time in the Central Office in June of next year. Mrs. Fehl was born and educated in Providence, R .l ., In addition to her studies in accounting and business administration at Pembroke College and Brown University, she read religious education at Andover Newton Theological Seminary. She was office manager and head of the accounting department of the Unit o f Research o f the Protestant Episcopal Church. Throughout her professional career, Mrs. Fehl has been an active church member and a working member of many community boards and committees. She served as Treasurer of the National Business and Professi Women of the Y .W .C .A . and as D irector of Brent House at the University of Chicago. She came to Hong Kong in 1959 and since 1961 has been Bursar at Chung Chi College. M iss A ng el a S.H. L a u, Adm i n is t ra ti v e Assistant On her graduation from St. Paul's Co-educational College in 1957, Miss Lau was awarded a Government scholarship fo r the matriculation course. Miss Lau, however, entered Grantham Training College to pursue a course in teachers' training. She became a qualified teacher after two years of teaching in a Government school. She then joined the University of Hong Kong in 1960 and took English Language, English Literature, Chinese Literature and Translation in her first year. She came first in the subjects of English Language and English Literature in her F irst Examination. Then she specialised in the study of English Literature and received her B .A . degree w ith Second Class Honours, D ivision One, in 1963. Miss Lau joined the Education Department of Hong Kong as an Assistant Education Officer in September 1963 and taught in Jockey Club Government Technical School. She was the English Panel Chairman and Housemistress there. She joined the staff o f the Chinese University in August this year. As an Adm inistrative Assistant in the Central Office, she helps in publications, receptions, press releases, public relations and general informat COLLEGE REPORTS S C H O L A R S H I P A W A R D E D Miss Lee Yuet Lan, a first-year student of the Departme of Chinese Language & Literature, United College, has been awarded a scholarship of $2,500 per annum from the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund fo r the academic year 1964/65. Miss Lee majors in Chinese Literature and her special interests are in Chinese poetry and Ts'u poetry. The Sir Robert Black Trust Fund was instituted by a donation from Sir Shiu-kin Tang. One of the purposes of the Fund is to provide opportunities fo r selected individuals of exceptional merit to further their studies. N E W M E M B E R S O F T E A C H I N G S T A F F New members o f teaching staff at New Asia College: M r. Yu Chun Chih, Lecturer and Head of the Depart ment of Fine Arts. 9