Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov 1964
Mrs. Ho Tung Te-Hing, Assistant Lecturer, Depart ment of Philosophy and Sociology. M r. Chang Ching-ju, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics. l A C S R F E L L O W S The Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Re search, New Asia College, has invited the follow ing distinguished overseas scholars to be honorary Re search Fellows: Prof. Yang Lien-sheng (H a rva rd ); Prof. T ien -Y i L i (Y a le ); Prof. James T .C Liu (S tanford); Prof. S.H. Chen (C a lifo rn ia ) ; Dr. Wing- tsit Chan ( D a rbu ran th ); Prof. Frederick W . Mote (P rinceton), Prof. Carrington Goodrich (Co lum bia ); Prof. Wolfgang Franke (Malaya); Prof. Yoshikawa K o jiro (Kyoto); and Dr. L iu Tsun-yan (National Univ. of Australia). N E W l A C S R S T A F F M r. Yen Keng-wang, the newly appointed Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research, New Asia College, has assumed duty. M r. Yen, who specialises in the study of Chinese poli tical systems, is the author of many books and a re search member of the National Academia Sinica. Dr. Chen Chia-tsun, Senior Lecturer in Business Adm inistration and Head o f the Department o f New Asia College, has been invited by the Nanyang Uni versity in Singapore to be the External Examiner in its degree examination. OBITUARY Dr. Verm ier Y. Chiu, Chairman of New Asia College Council, died of cancer at the Tung Wah Eastern Hospital on October 16. He was 74. Dr. Chiu was born in 1892 and completed his early education in Hong Kong in D.B.S. and King's College. He entered the University of California in 1911 and later the University o f Chicago, where he received his Ph.B. His graduate works were done in Columbia Univer sity, Harvard University, University of London (Ph .D ) and Oxford University (D C L ). A fte r his return from abroad in 1924 , Dr. Chiu had held various high posts in the Chinese Government. He had been fo r a time the Acting Foreign M inister and professor in many uni versities. He had served as Chairman of New Asia College Council since its inauguration and con tributed greatly to the development of the Col lege. Dr. Chen w ill be away from Hong Kong from Nov ember 27 to December 7. Dr. Pauline V. Young, Visiting Professor o f Socio logy and Social Work, w ill give a series of monthly talks to the third and fourth year Philosophy students of New Asia College. Topic of the talk is: "F ield of Correction." T h e U n i v e r s i t y B u l l e t i n o f the Chinese University of Hong K ong is published and distributed free by the U n i versity E ditorial Board; it is meant p rim a rily fo r the University faculty and staff, but copies are also sent to friends o f the University. m e m b e r o f t h e u n i v e r s it y e d it o r ia l b o a r d : D r. A . T. Roy. M r. Su Ming-hsuan. M r. N. H. Young, M r. Steve S. C. Huang (Convenor and Secretary) B u l l e t in S t a f f : E d ito r— M r. Steve S. C. Huang Associate E d ito r 一 D r. C. C. Liang M r. Edmund W orthy C o l l e g e C o r r e s p o n d e n t s : M r. Fang Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) M r. L iu Tsu Ru (United College) M r. W. M . Y u (New Asia College) A d d r e s s : C / o Chinese U niversity o f Hong Kong, Hang Seng Bank Building, 13th F loor. 677, Nathan Road. M ongkok. Kow loon. Hong Kong. PR IN TED BY SIN POH A M A L G A M A T E D (H .K .) LTD . FOR TH E CHINESE U N IV E R S IT Y OF HONG KONG. 10 中文大學校刊爲純粹報導性之大學刊物,此刊物爲非賣 品,專爲大學及三間成員書院之教職員及對大學愛好者而 出版。 出版負責人爲大學出版委員會;該委員會包括:苪陶菴 博士,蘇明璇先生,楊乃舜先生及黃錫照先生(主席兼秘 書)。 校刊職員:黃錫照先生(編緝),梁敬釗博士(中文編 輯),和飛先生(英文編輯)。書院通訊記者:方信候先 生,余允文先生,劉祖儒先生。 通訊處:香港中文大學 九龍彌敦道六七七號 恒生銀行大厦十三樓
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