Bulletin Special Supplement Jun 1965

(2) F u r t h er study of language teaching w i t h controlled experiments and of use of laboratories. ( L 3 .7 (ii)) (3) A p p o i n t me nt of one linguistic expert in each college. (L3.7(ii)) (4) S t u dy of possibility of subject-slanted language wo r k. (L3.7(iii)) (5) De v e l o pme nt of pre-sessional courses. ( L 3 .7 (ii) & C27) (6) E x emp t i ng student s w h o pass proficiency tests f r om taking f u r t h er English study. (C27) Library Committee to consider the recommendations listed in C15 to remedy lack of books. (1) T h e provision of more money for the libraries to b uy more books and in particular several copies of i mp o r t a nt textbooks; (2) the m i me o g r a p h i ng of extracts and articles; (3) the translationg of foreign books and articles into Chinese; (4) the encouragement of staff, t h r o u gh grants and t h r o u gh relieving t h em of duties, to produce textbooks and translations; (5) the provision of book grants to students, and (6) the establishment of a book-store. Some University Body or the School of Education must carry out researc h into:— (1) T e a c h i ng aids. (C16) (2) Slow reading in Chinese. (C17 & 27) (3) T e a c h i ng Me t h o d s. (C23) (4) T h e private w o rk w h i ch students do. ( L 5 . 2 6) I I . P r o g r a m m e f o r t h e I n d i v i d u a l Actions to be taken by the i n d i v i d u al teacher. (1) Read the reports. (2) T a ke part in departmental discussions of curriculum revision. (3) Revise the courses w h i ch he w i ll teach: (a) Reduce the n umb er of topics to be dealt w i t h in each course, (L8.2(i)) ( b) Schedule fewer lecture hours. (L5.15 and 8.2(iii)) (c) Plan the small-group teaching to be done in each course. (L5.10,5.11, and 8.2(iii)) (d) Reconsider text-book assignments and reading lists. ( L 3 . 7) (e) Assign the w r i t t en wo rk to be done by the students to fit in w i t h the lectures and the small small g r o up teaching. ( L 5 .4 and C12 and 13) ( f ) Set course examinations. ( L 6 and C14) (4) W r i te new course descriptions for the Calendar. ( L 5 . 1 8) (5) Encourage the students to wo rk and t h i nk on their own. ( L 1 . 7 ) (6) S u bm it book requests to De p a r t me nt Ch a i r man for additions to College and Un i v e r s i ty Libraries. (C10 (a) and 15) (7) Cooperate w i t h colleagues on inter-departmental activities. ( C1 1 ( f )) (8) T a ke advantage of all opportunities to i mp r o ve teaching technique. ( L 4 .8 and L 4 . 9 ) 大學敎學法報吿書結論及實施綱要� 〔括弧中數目字係指賴曼與盧池報告書(以下簡稱 L) 之段落;� 中文大學教學方法委員會報告書(簡稱 C � )在本文内頗少引及,� 袛於賴慮報告書有未曾提及而須加補充者始引證之。〕� (一)大學敎務會或其委員會或特別小組: 1 考試 ①多邀請校外考試委員參加并擬定考試題。 ②考慮如何辦理考試以符合講授課程之目的 (L6.12)。 ③務求試卷之和諧統一性以免一試卷中有三式題 目(L 8.9)。 ④三成員學院之初級考試事宜,應聯繫辦理以期考 試能成爲敎學之補助辦法(L 6.7)。 2 普通學科——中文大學敎學委員會報告書第三段之 提議須予酌定。此項重要問題似應成立一特別小組 處理之。 3 設一中央輔導處協助新進敎員講學(L 4.9)。 4 考慮系務會之會員資格(L 8 . 1 1 )。 5 輔助一年級生轉系(C 19)。 6 指導學生如何利用假期(C 20)。 60