Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 10 May 1966

Professor Ma u r i ce Mo o n i tz of the University of California, a wo r ld authority on Business Administration, expecially on accounting, w i l l become the first Director of the Institute. He is now in charge of the Ph . D. programme of the Californi a University's post-graduate studies of Business Adm i n i s t r a t i on, but w i ll come to H o ng K o n g to take up residence some time next fall. He w i ll be assisted by two of the professors f r om the University of California successively, each serving one semester. A t the same time , professors and other teaching staff members in the University's other social sciences disciplines w i l l also take part in the Institute's teaching programme. As Professor Mo o n i t z 's t e rm of service in th e Chinese University is that of a visiting professor, th e University is looking for a professor to fill the Chair of Business Adm i n i s t r a t i o n permanently. He will, like Professor Mo o n i t z , be the Institute's Director at the sam e time. T h e Institute w i ll commence its graduate courses i n the next academic year beginning in September, 1966’ when up to six graduates f r om the University' s colleges w i ll be admitted for study course leading to the degree of Master of Commerce . A n umb er of fellowships w i ll also be provided by the Institute. A n Advisory Board has been set up to enable the Institute to establish and maintain close contacts not only w i th the local business and industria l communities in H o ng K o n g, but also w i th academic people i n business administration abroad. T he membership of the Advisory Board is as follows :- T h e Ho n. Sidney S. Go r d on Memb er of the University Council (Chairman) T h e Ho n. G.R. Ross Chairman of the H o ng K o n g General Chamber of Commerce Sir Sik-nin Chau Chairman of the Ho ng K o n g Management Association T h e Ho n. P.Y. T a ng Memb er of the University Council M r . Yorke Allen, Jr. President of the L i n g n an Board of Trustees, New Y o rk M r . Tsao Yao L i n g n a n University A l umn us in Ho n g K o n g Professor John W , Cowee Dean of the School of Business Adm i n i s t r a t i on, University of California, Berkeley, California; f r om July onwards, Vice-President o f Ma r q u e t te University, Wisconsin. Professor Franklin E. Folts Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Ha r v a r d University Professor Mau r i ce Mo o n i tz D i r e c t o r of the L i n g n an Institute of Business Adm i n i s t r a t i on. SUMMER ENGL I SH COURSE T h e University w i ll offer an intensive English course designed p r i ma r i ly for th e benefit of i n c om i ng students and to be held the mo n th prior to the opening of the regula r fall term. T h i s course w i ll be compulsory for all i n c om i ng students unless exempted by th e authorities of any one of the three Foundation Colleges. A p r i me purpose of the course is to help rais e the standard of Englis h of i n c om i ng students, so that they can more readil y deal w i th the English required in their studies. T h i s university-wide course is an outgrowt h of similar courses given d u r i ng the pas t t wo years at New Asia College and last summer at Un i t ed College. I t is unusual in several respects. First, the course is intensive. Students w i ll have 100 hours of class work packe d into a four-week period. Th e r e w i ll be five f i f t y -m i n u te periods a day, five days a week. I t is expected that more ca n be accomplished in this short span of time than d u r i ng a regular term because the students w i ll be concentrating exclusively on English. Secondly, the course w i ll focus upon the oral-aural aspect of English. Intensive classroom wo rk in this area backed up w i t h daily d r i ll in the language laboratory is now generally agreed by linguistics experts t o be an extremely effective means of teaching a language. T h e course w i ll also concentrate on raising the level of the students' reading abilit y as well as w r i t i ng skill. I n order that each class may have no more tha n fifteen students, the University w i ll engage a number of local part-time teachers. Teachers w i ll be required to participate in a preliminary week's briefing session starting on approximately July 27. Classes w i l l probably start about August 3 and continue t h r ough August 31 depending on the date the Colleges complete their selection of students. Each College w i ll offer its own course which w i ll be the same in purpose an d essentially th e same in content. D r . the Ho n. C.Y. Kwa n, Chairman o f the University Council, has contributed $5,000 an d Ha ng Seng Bank $50,000 towards meeting the deficit, expected t o be as mu ch as 3550,000, wh i ch the course w i ll r un into. Student fees w i ll be $80 for the entire course. 2