Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 5 Dec 1966

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLET I N V O L U M E T H R E E . D E C E M B E R 1 9 6 6 . N U M B E R F I V E C O N T E N T S Page Matriculation Examination for 1967 ............ 1 Members of the Matriculation B o a r d ............ 1 Subject Panels of Examiners for the Matriculation Examination ..................... 2 Gift from Reader's Digest .............................. 2 Vice-Chancellor's Reception to New Students ......................................................... 3 Conference on University Cooperation and Asian Development .............................. 3 External Examiner in Zoology ..................... 4 Report on Urban Family Life S u r v e y ............ 4 Professor Frank C. Happold's Public Lecture ......................................................... 4 Car Badge for Th e Chinese University ... 5 University S t a t i o n ................................................ 5 Comings and Goings ....................................... 5 College Reports ................................................ 5 Staff Profiles ......................................................... 6 MATRICULATION EXAMINATION FOR 1967 T h e Matriculation Examination of Th e Chinese University of Hong Kong for the academic year 1967/ 68 will be held in April 1967. Entry forms are obtain able from the Secretary of the Matriculation Board from D ecember, to be completed and returned before January 15, 1967 , late entries, in exceptional cases, not after January 31. MEMBERS OF THE MATRICULATION BOARD Members of the Matriculation Board of this University for 1967/68 are: Mr. H .T . Wu (Chairman) Registrar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Director of University Studies in Geography Prof. Chou Fa-kao Director of University Studies in Chinese Prof. Joseph Fu Director of University Studies in Chemistry Prof. B. Hensman Director of University Studies in English Dr. Ho Chung Chung Principal, T ru e Light Middle School Mr. N .M. Ho Education Department, Hong Kong Government Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Director of University Studies in Physics Prof. S.Y. King Department of Electrical En gineering, University of Hong Kong Prof. Vernon Kramer Director of University Studies in Mathematics Mr. Lyon Lee Acting Registrar, ‘ Chung Chi College Mr. Li Shi-yi Principal, Clementi Middle School Dr. Liu Fah-hsuen Director of University Studies in Biology Prof. Mou Jun-sun Director of University Studies in History Prof. Tang Chun-i Director of University Studies in Philosophy or, in his absence, Prof. P. Wienpahl Mr. Wang Chi Registrar, New Asia College Mr. Wong Yee-wa Education Department, Hong Kong Government Mr. N .H. Young Academic Registrar, United College Mr. S.T. Cheung Assistant Registrar, (Secretary) T h e Chinese University of Hong Kong