Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 7 Apr 1968

While in the United States, M r. Young w ill also visit Indiana University w ith which United College has an exchange programme, the University of Massachusetts in Boston, and the University of Michigan. Thereafter M r. Young w ill proceed to Europe to visit British and German universities. He is expected to return to Hong Kong on 21st May. • Dr. Shiu-ying H u , Senior Lecturer in Biology at Chung Chi College, arrived in Hong Kong on 3rd March from the United States to assume duty. • M r. W illiam C.C. Kung, Lecturer in Business Management, United College, attended the Asian Workshop on Justice and Human Progress in Society organized by the Committee fo r Develop ment of Socio-Economic Life in Asia, at the University of Singapore from 3rd to 8th March. M r. Kung presented a paper entitled “ The Responsi bilities of the Business Sector" . In addition, M r. Kung gave lectures on: (a) Wage Incentive Scheme on 29th March at the Hong Kong Management Associa tion, and ( b ) A well-Designed Wage System Helps to Reduce Labour Turnover to members of the Hong Kong Productivity Associa tion on 31st March. • Visitors to Chung Chi College in the month of March included the Rev. C lifford O. Simpson, Center Church, Manchester, Connecticut; the Rev. Ralph Huff er, former pastor of the First Parish Church, Congregational Dover, and Mrs. Huffer; Dr. A lex J. Grant, the Institute on Ethnic Studies fo r Asia , the National Council of Churches of the Philippines; Dr. Dean Moore, Office of Communica tions and Research and Mass Communications Overseas of the United Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.; and Rev. Dr. Dale Doran, V icar of an Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Doran. • M r. Koo Yee-yin, a third year student of Chinese Language and Literature, United College, and President of its Student Union, left on 26th March to participate in the 14th Far East Student Leader Project being held in the United States from 27th March, 1968 fo r about 70 days. Under this project arranged by the United States Department of State, he and other young student leaders from the Far East w ill visit representative American college and university campuses, meet American students and take part in an experiment in inter national living. M r. Koo is the fifth student of United College selected to represent Hong Kong in the Far East Student Leader Project and the second student of the College so selected in the first three months of 1968. COLLEGE NEWS ° A Seminar on Educational Problems in Hong Kong was held at United College on 15th March under the sponsorship of the College Sociology and Social Work Society. The speakers at the Seminar were M r. N .M . Ho, Assistant Director of Education, Dr. Ho Chung-chung, Principal of the True Light M iddle School of Hong Kong and Dr. Maurice Anderson, Vice-President of Hong Kong Baptist College, Chairman of its Department of Sociology and Social Work, and Chairman of the Hong Kong Sociological Association. The discussions were on the problems facing primary and secondary schools, and on education and personality. The Society also organized a talk on "Priorities fo r Educational Development" given by M r. R.F. Simpson, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Hong Kong, on 23rd March. 。 Members of the Executive Committee and Council of the New Asia College Students' Union were invited by their College President, Dr. T.C. Ou, to a reception on 8th March. Also present were members of the academic and administrative staff of the College. • The 16th Annual Dinner of the Chinese Christian Universities A lum n i Association was held on 30th March, at the H ilton Hotel. Vice-Chan cellor Choh-M ing L i was invited to speak at the dinner, and Mrs. L i presented the floor prizes. • M r. W illiam Kung, Lecturer in Business Management, M r. Y.C. Jao, Assistant Registrar, and M r. Charles Cheung , Part-time Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, all of United College, were elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Economic Association at its Annual General Meeting held on 18th March. M r. Jao was also elected to the Editorial Board of its official publication, The H o n g K o n g E c o n om i c Papers. ® Apart from the scholarships fo r postgraduate studies fo r New Asia College graduates, the Yale- in-China Association is offering two scholarships fo r research studies to staff members and students. Miss Maria Yuen-man Ho, Tutor of the Department of English Language and Literature, 1967-68, has been selected fo r the award. • Professor David H. L i of the Lingnan Institute of Business Adm inistration of the University has been appointed D irector of the Economic Research Centre of the University with effect from 9th March. .— 4 一