Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 11 Aug 1968
Yale-in-China Association and is offered free to incoming freshmen of New Asia College as well as students of the other two Colleges. • On 16th July, M r. L iu M ing was appointee D irector o f the New Asia Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre in succession to Dr. Francis S, Hutchins, Representative of the Yale-in-China As sociation. The Centre is jo in tly sponsored by New Asia College and Yale-in-China. M r. L iu had been its Deputy D irector fo r some time. • A t a simple ceremony held on 18th July, certificates were distributed to students who had completed their studies at the New Asia Yale-in- China Chinese Language Centre. This was the fifth class of the Centre, which has up to this summer given Mandarin or Cantonese lessons to approximately 500 people. • The orientation meeting of the United College -W illiams-in-Hong Kong Summer School was held on 21st July, and intensive English courses began the follow ing Monday fo r English teachers " o f secondary and primary schools and social welfare workers in Hong Kong. Six graduates and senior students of W illiams College, who arrived earlier in the month, conducted the courses. • Thanks to the voluntary services offered by four graduates of Stanford University, United College conducted a Summer Oral English Course fo r the 3rd- and 4th-year students of the College from 15th July to 16th August. Abou t 80 students, in four groups of 20 each, attended. • The sixth Summer Intensive English Course of New Asia College, which is designed to help incoming first-year students to develop better English reading habits, began on 5th August and w ill go on fo r about four weeks. 185 students are taking the Course this year. • This year's Summer A rt Course of the Fine A rts Department of New Asia College, fo r which over 80 students enrolled, started on 18th July. • A ‘‘Seminar on Student Leadership" organized by the Academic Section o f the Student Union of New Asia College was held at the College from 1st to 3rd July, to promote a sense of community and to stimulate leadership among students. Apa rt from the executive members of that Union, participants included representatives from the Student Unions of Chung Chi College, United College, the University of Hong Kong, Northcote College of Education, Technical College, Baptist College, and the Hong Kong Federation of Students. • M r. W illiam C.C. Kung, Lecturer in Business Management, United College, conducted a three- session course on “ Recruitment and Placement" in July under the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Management Association. The topics discussed include selection procedures, interviews and tests, placement and transfer in commercial firms. • The Sociology Department of New Asia College has been requested by the Youth Section of the Hong Kong & Kow loon Ka i Fong Association to conduct on its behalf a research on "The Occupational and Recreational Trends o f the Youth in Hong Kong". This research project, started in June this year, is being conducted by M r. Leng Tsun , Head of the Department, w ith the assistance of M r. S.H. Lu i, Demonstrator, and three students. It is estimated that the collection of data and the coding and tabulating processes w ill be completed in the summer vacation, and analyses and inter pretations completed around the end of September. • Seven scholarships and two bursaries have been awarded to 137 students of New Asia College fo r 1968-69. • On 14th July, the Philosophy Department of New Asia College and the Oriental Humanists Society jo in tly held a memorial service at the College Audito rium in honour of the late M r. Shung Shih-li , who passed away in Shanghai a few months ago. M r. Shung was a famous Chinese philosopher steeped in the knowledge of both Confucianism and Buddhism. • In July/August 1968 Miss Chu Ming-yeuk, a fourth-year Social Work student o f United College, attended the Moral Re-Armament Movement's In ternational Conference held in Japan, where she delivered several speeches and performed fo lk dances. She toured South Korea on the return journey. • The New Asia College Women's Team won the Championship fo r the fourth consecutive time in the Varsity Quadripartite Basketball Matches sponsored by the Student Union of the University of Hong Kong, which were held from 22nd June to 6th July. The College Men's Team gained second place in the matches. ® Vacation activities organized by student soci eties o f United College in July include summer camps of the Catholic Society at the Caritas Youth Centre on Cheung Chau from 1st to 4th July, and of the Commerce Association and the Chinese Society at the Y .W .C .A . Camp on Lantao Island on 4th-6th July and 6th-8th July respectively. • About 250 teachers and students of New Asia College participated in a launch picnic to Pak Sha Wan via Clear Water Bay on 20th July. The picnic was sponsored by the Student Union of the College. — 1 1 —
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