Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 1 Sep 1968
STAFF PROFILES P r o f . H . A r t h u r St einer , D i r e c t o r o f U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a S t u d y C e n t r e (picture in Chinese section) Dr. H. A rth u r Steiner, recently seconded to Hong Kong fo r two years as D irector of the Univer sity of California Study Centre at this University, has been a member of the Political Science Depart ment at the University of California, Los Angeles, since 1931, and twice has served as the department head. He is a member of the American Political Science Association, the Association fo r Asian Studies, the American Society of International Law, and other academic societies. He is well known fo r his contributions to the study of international relations and Asian politics, and in Hong Kong w ill be associated with the Institute of Chinese Studies of the University. Professor Steiner has visited China three times since 1937, and was a Fulbright Research Scholar in Nanking in 1948-49. P r o f e s s o r W i l l i a m F . D u k e s 、As s o c i a t e D i r e c t o r o f U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a S t u d y Ce n t r e (picture in Chinese section) Professor W illiam F. Dukes has been on the faculty o f the Psychology Department at the Univer sity of California (Davis) fo r fifteen years, during which time he served as Chairman fo r eight years. From 1960-67 he was Associate Dean of the College o f Letters and Science at Davis, and last year acted as Dean of the College. He was Ford Foundation Fellow in 1952-53. D r. Dukes, Fellow of the American Psychological Association and D irector of Sacramento Valley Psychological Association fo r the past three years, has written a number of articles on perception and values in professional journals. During the Fall Term , after completing a survey of secondary schools in Hong Kong, Professor Dukes w ill offer courses fo r secondary teachers in the School of Education of the University. COLLEGE NEWS • The Department of Religious Knowledge and Philosophy and the Seminary of Chung Chi College have been reorganized into the ‘‘Department of Philosophy and Religion" consisting o f two D iv i sions: "Religious Knowledge and Philosophy" and ‘‘Theology" . The Division of Theology provides professional training fo r the ministry but is also open to students not preparing fo r the ministry. • The Academic Board of Chung Chi College has approved, upon the recommendation of the Physical Education Committee, that the first-year compulsory physical education course, which meets two hours a week, be given one unit o f College credit fo r each term. • The Orientation Programme fo r new students of Chung Chi College, organized join tly by the College Student Counselling Office and the College Student Union, was conducted from 21st to 23rd August. United College began on 2nd September a week of orientation of its new students with an Orientation Assembly held in the College Hall. The Assembly was presided over by President T.C. Cheng and attended by over 200 students and staff of the College. In his address to the freshmen, M r. Cheng stressed the importance of the moral and social aspects of a university education and outlined the academic aims and policies of the College. The Assembly was followed by tea on the College lawn and talks by Heads of Departments. The Student Union's party fo r the new students was held in the afternoon w ith a variety of games, dramatic per formances and dancing. On the follow ing days the new students o f each o f the three Faculties attended talks by the College L ib ra ry staff on library regula tions and procedures. They also attended parties arranged by student societies. The External Relations Section of the Student Union of New Asia College arranged a five-day orientation programme fo r new students beginning on 15th August. These students were supplied with general information on the functions and activities of the various departments of the College. • The United College Student Union conducted a “ Freshmen's Conference" on 17th August in the College H all to orient new students in their fo rth coming university life. The Conference began with a speech of welcome by the Union President, M r. Pang Chung-tat, and an introduction to the organ ization of the College by M r. T.R. Liu , Deputy Registrar. Other student leaders of the College spoke about different aspects of college life ; panel discussions followed. • The Student Union of New Asia College held a “ Welcome Day" fo r freshmen on 31st August with a programme o f varied activities. • Dr. Kai-keung Mark, Lecturer in Biology of New Asia College, and Professor A . Tsugita, D irector of the Laboratory o f Molecular Genetics , Medical School, University of Osaka, have jointly published two papers on bacteriophage infection. These represent the findings from the research project which they had worked on together since Dr. M a rk went to Japan in June. The two scientists have now agreed upon a long term collaboration programme. — 4 —
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