Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 1 Sep 1968
In mid-August, D r. Mark attended the X I I International Congress of Genetics held in Tokyo, at which he presented a paper titled "On the synthesis of D N A and late proteins in E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i cells infected by bacteriophage T 4 ” . Dr. S.T. Chang, Chairman of the Biology Department at Chung Chi College, also attended the Congress, and presented a paper on "A Cytological Study of Volvariella Volvarcea". • The third issue of St ud ie s o n t he D r e a m o f t h e R e d C h a m b e r has been published by the DRC Research Group, New Asia College. This Group consists o f the Chinese Literature students o f the College taking the course on T h e D r e a m o f t he R e d C h a m b e r , a course instituted in 1966 by M r. Pan Chung-kwei, Head of the Department of Chinese Literature of the College, to make a special study of the famous Chinese novel. • The Departments of Social W o rk o f Chung Chi College and United College have been admitted to membership in the International Association of Schools of Social Work. • Mrs. Eva Ko L i Bik-chi, Lecturer and Head o f the Department of Social Work, and M r. Thomas Lee Chun-yon, Part-time Lecturer in Social Work, United College, have been appointed Members of the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training fo r a period o f three years w ith effect from 1st September, 1968. • The Summer Mandarin Course offered by New Asia College was completed on 6th September. The Course was a pilot project intended to train first-year students to understand and speak Mandarin. 110 students were enrolled, of whom 95 were from New Asia, 10 from Chung Chi, 1 from United, and 4 exchange students from Japan. The students ac quired a good command of Mandarin from this four-week training and concluded the course with a Mandarin Oratorical Contest. ® Five representatives of each o f the three College Student Unions took part in the 2nd Student Leadership Seminar sponsored by the Hong Kong Federation of Students and held at the Northcote College o f Education from 26th August to 2nd September , 1968. This Seminar on "University Education and Leadership" was presided over by M r. Koo Yee-yin, President o f the Student Union of United College fo r 1967-68. • The Student Union of New Asia College sponsored a group visit to the Amoy Canning Corp. (H .K .) on 16th August as part of the Union's endeavour to promote students' understanding of the actual conditions of industrial and commercial enterprises in Hong Kong. ® A summer camp sponsored by the Student Union of New Asia College was held at the Changsha Y .W .C .A . camp site on Lantao Island from 2nd to 5th September. Over fifty persons participated. • The 15th Executive Committee of the New Asia College A lum n i Association elected its officers on 3rd September. The new officers are: M r. Hsia Yan-san (Chairman), M r. Jen Wen-ching (Vice- Chairman) (both serving a second te rm ), M r. Tong Duen-ching (Chinese Secretary), M r. Wei Yu-chen (English Secretary), M r. Lee Chiu-man (Treasurer), M r. Chan Chung-ling (General A ffa irs ), M r. Chan Shing-cheong (Liaison), M r. Lee Kam-chung (Rec reation) and M r. Woo You-fai (Welfare). COMINGS AND GOINGS • M r. Eugene Staples, Ford Foundation Repre sentative, called on Dr. T.C. Ou, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and President o f New Asia College, and academic members of the Institute of Chinese Studies on 12th August. M r. Staples also visited the University campus site. • Professor Richard Dooley, Professor of Busi ness Management at Harvard University, visited United College on 12th August, 1968. Professor Dooley was on his way home after working in the Philippines. • Seven students o f this University, three from Chung Chi, three from New Asia and one from United , were among a 14-member delegation of the Hong Kong Federation of Students which left the Colony on 13th August on a 10-day goodwill visit o f Southeast Asia. The tour is co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Students Travelling Sponsorship Scheme which has been organized by several leading Hong Kong businessmen. • Mrs. Von Sung Yang, a prominent Chinese resident in America, and M r. N .V .A . Croucher, a leading local businessman, visited New Asia College on 14th August. They were accompanied by Dr. the Hon. P.Y. Tang, Chairman of the College Board o f Governors, and M r. T.F, Lee, Vice-Chairman of the Board. Dr. Tang and President Ou Tsuin-chen offered a lunch in honour of the guests. • Dr. A .T . Roy, Vice-President (Public Re lations) o f Chung Chi College, left fo r the United States on 15th August. He has been invited by the United Presbyterian Church in the United States to participate in a national programme which addresses itself to the racial crisis in the large American cities. He is expected to return in December. 一 5 —
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