Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 3 Nov 1968

most o f the overseas Chinese treasure their heritage and are anxious to read Chinese-language publica tions. It is also mainly because of the importance o f the Chinese people and their culture that people in America, Europe and many other parts o f the world are taking a greater and greater interest in learning Chinese. Under these circumstances the Chinese press should become an extremely import ant vehicle to help them learn Chinese and to introduce to them many features of the Chinese culture. I hope that The Chinese University and the Chinese language press everywhere w ill co- operate closely to disseminate the Chinese cultural heritage to many parts of the world. The Chinese Language Press Institute would not have been formed and you would not have taken such arduous journeys to come to this meeting if all of you did not have the keen sense of respon sibility in finding solutions fo r many urgent problems the Chinese language press is facing in different parts of the world. Your role is historic. Let me wish you and the Institute all the success. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION CONFERENCE A Conference on Psychological Principles fo r Teachers in Post-Secondary Institutions and Secondary/M iddle Schools sponsored by the School o f Education o f the University w ill be held on six Saturdays from 2nd November to 7th December, 1968. The D irector o f the Conference w ill be Prof. W illiam F. Dukes, Professor o f Psychology at the University of California, recently seconded to Hong Kong as Associate D irector o f the University of California Study Centre. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE C h a i r m a n Dr. Choh-M ing L i P r e s i d e n t s o f t he t h re e Co l le g es M r. T. C. Cheng Dr. T. C. Ou Dr. C. T. Yung O t h e r e x - o f f i c i o m em b e r s f r o m Co l l e g e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n M r. R. N. Rayne Dr. Yen Kwo-yung M r. N. H. Young P r o f e s s o r s a n d R e a d e r s Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Prof. Chou Fa-kao Prof. Noah E. Fehl Prof. S. C . Joseph Fu Prof. Bertha Hensman Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Prof. Shou-sheng Hsueh Prof. David H. L i *D r. L iu Fah-hsuen Dr. Shiu-chang Loh D r. Robert E. M itche ll *P rof. Mou Jun-sun Prof. H. A rth u r Steiner Prof. Tang Chun-i Prof. C. K. Yang Prof. Frederick T. C. Yu D i r e c t o r o f U n i v e r s i t y St ud ie s Dr. Chao Chuan-ying D i r e c t o r o f t he S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n M r. H. T. Wu E l e c t e d m e m b e r s f r o m t he t h r e e Co l le g es Dr. Daniel Y. Chang M r. Lee Y im D r. Tchang Pi-kai D r. Charles B. Varney M r. Lo Po-yiu Dr. S. T. Chang L i b r a r i a n D r. A. K a i-ming Chiu Se c r et a ry M r. H. T. Wu, University Registrar VICE-CHANCELLOR'S RECEPTIONS FOR NEW STUDENTS Vice-Chancellor Choh-M ing L i recently wel comed new students of the University at two receptions— those o f the Graduate School on 9th October and those of the Foundation Colleges on 8th November. On both occasions D r. L i announced that soon all students of the University would be able to share the same campus at Shatin , a piece of news that was greeted w ith enthusiasm. * On leave fo r the whole year — 3 —