Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 3 Nov 1968

會 待 招 生 新 院 究 研 V i c e - C h a n c e l l o r 's r e c e p t i o n f o r n e w s t u d e n t s o f t h e G r a d u a t e S c h o o l (See also p ic tu re in Chinese section) STAFF PROFILE D r . K o w i e Ds ch a n g , V i s i t i n g P r o f e s s o r o f St atistics, N e w A s i a Co ll e g e (picture in Chinese section) Dr. Kowie Dschang, a native of Anhwei, received his university education in Austria and Germany, and obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Berlin in 1930. In the meantime, he had worked fo r two years at the Research Institute fo r Business Cycles, Berlin. A fte r his return to China in 1930, he has held a number of important government posts besides serving as Professor at Northeast University and Amoy University. He has been a Professor in the Economics Department of National Taiwan Univer sity since 1949. From 1964 to 1965, he was a V isiting Professor at the University of Munich in West Germany. In the current year, he is a V isiting Professor at New Asia College. From 1969 to 1970, he w ill be at the University of Bonn, West Germany. Professor Dschang has devoted much of his time to research and has written books and articles in Chinese, English and German. COMINGS AND GOINGS • Professor Bertha Hensman, Professor of English Literature at Chung Chi College, has been invited jo in tly by six British universities to pay each a one-week visit as a distinguished scholar on the staff o f the Chinese University. She left for the United Kingdom on 11th October and is expected to return at the end of November. • D r. the Hon. Fung Ping-Fan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees o f United College, left Hong Kong on 13th October to attend a meeting of the Rotary International Finance Committee held in the United States. Two other members of the Board also left Hong Kong on business: Dr. the Hon. S. Y. Chung on a world tour on behalf of the Asian Productivity Organization from late October to early December, and M r. Ngan Shing- Kwan on a business trip to the United Kingdom fo r about 4 to 5 weeks from 7th October. • M r. T. R. L iu , Deputy Registrar of United College, left on 15th October on a U.S. State Department grant to visit American universities fo r six weeks. The purpose of his visit is to study counselling ystems in America and promote exchange programmes between United College and American institutions o f higher learning. Later in December, M r. L iu w ill proceed to the United Kingdom to visit British universities on a British Council Visitorship. • On 15th October, Mrs. Dickerman Hollister, President of the Board of Directors of the Temple o f Understanding, visited New Asia College w ith about fo rty Committee Members of the institution. A fte r giving salutatory addresses at a reception jointly offered by the College and the Oriental Humanists Society, President Ou and Prof. Tang Chun-i exchanged views w ith them on religious and cultural problems. These visitors were en route to Darjeeling, India, to participate in the First Summit Conference on World Religions. Other visitors to the College in the past month include M r. Wong Kin-pong, Registrar of Nanyang University, and Dr. Glen W. Baxter, Associate D irector of the Harvard-Yenching In stitute, U.S.A. • Seventy goodwill delegates of Tenrikyo Young Men's Association o f Japan visited Chung Chi College on 19th October. Dr. Toshichika Totoki, V isiting Professor of Japanology at the College, gave a leture in Japanese on ‘‘The Social and Religious L ife of the Peoples of Hong Kong" before their demonstration of Karate-do (empty hand self- defence) and gagaku (Japanese classical music and fo lk dance) in the Student Centre. • W ith a travel grant from the Committee fo r Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme of the British Council, Dr. Chan Nai-ng, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, United College, proceeded on long leave on 21st October to the United Kingdom to undertake research on mathematical statistics fo r nine months. • Dr. W illiam H. Allaway, D irector of the Education Abroad Programme, University of Cali fornia, visited the University from 22nd to 24th October. — 4 —