Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 5 Mar–Apr 1970

of Social Mobility, 722-222 B.C., has been w i d e ly hailed as the outstanding publication in this field. Prof. Hsu's lecture, held on 20th March, was on "Ancient China in World History". Canadian born, Professor William H . McNeill, Chairman of the History Department and of its graduate division at the University of Chicago, is internationally known through his writings. His Rise of the West (1963) won the National Book Awa rd and the Gordon J. Laing Prize. His distinguished service in the American forces 1941-46 led to the publication of several books on the war and its aftermath in Greece. He holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Reserve. Prof. McNeill spoke on "The Relevance of World History" on 25t h March. A l l three lectures received enthusiastic response from the public and the lecture room o f the City Hall was packed to capacity for all three lectures. (picture in Chinese section) G i f t s to t he Un i v e r s i ty • The Economic Research Centre of the University has received an unrestricted grant of HK$ 10,000 per year for a period of five years in memory of Madam Chan Loi-sung, the grandmother of Mr. Stephen Cheong, Director of Lee Wah Weaving Factory Limited. The grant is to be used for research projects undertaken by the Economic Research Centre. The Centre is embarking on research in industry and finance in Hong Kong. This memorial so generously given for unrestricted research shows that the Hon g Kong business community recognises the importance of impartial studies in improving the flexibility and profitability of business in this time of exceedingly rapid and complicated change. • The University has received a special gif t of books on Benjamin Franklin, American philosopher and statesman in the 18th century, from Yale University Press. The collection comprises The Papers of Benjamin Franklin ( 13 v o l u m e s ), an Autobiography, and a selection of his letters, entitled Mr. Franklin. Mr. Franklin is the 232nd copy of a total of 250 copies printed exclusively for complimentary distribution. This valuable gift was dispatched to Hong Kong from the United States on 17th January, 1970 , Benjamin Franklin's 214th birthday. The books were presented to Dr. Choh- Mi ng Li, Vice-Chancellor of the University, by Dr. Francis S. Hutchins, Yale-in-China Representative in Hons Kong, on 11th March, 1970 . 長 校 敏 卓 李 與 交 作 著 廉 克 范 將 士 博 思 欽何 Dr. Francis S. Hutchins presenting the works of Benjamin Franklin to Dr. Choh-Ming Li •Dr. the Hon. Fung Ping-Fun, Chairma n of the Board of Trustees of United College, generously donated to the College on 9th Ap r il 4,433 volumes of books including Chinese classics, periodicals and textbooks. They are very valuable for reference purpose. Reg i s t r ar speaks a t C U H K St uden t s ' Ba l l o t Co u n t i ng Ce r emony Forty-five student representatives of the three constituent Colleges of the University met several times in February and March this year to discuss a draft of the constitution of the University's Student Union proposed by the Preparatory Committee which is composed of three students from eac h College. The proposal, accepted in principle by these representatives, was voted upon by the students of the three Colleges. They were asked to express confidence or non-confidence in the proposal by casting ballots at the three Colleges from 7th to 11th Ap r i l, 1970. A ceremony to count the ballots was held on 13th Ap r i l, at New Asia College. Mr. H.T. Wu, Registrar of the University, was invited to witness the counting. The result of the vote showed that a majority of the students o f the University favoured the proposal with 1039 out of 1103 ballots expressing confidence, a figure of well over one-third of the number of the students in the University. A Summary of Mr. H.T. Wus Speech delivered in Chinese To conduct a ceremony for the counting of ballots is something new in Hong Kong, but it is an indication of the importance attached to the draft constitution by the students of this University . — 5 —