Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 6 Apr–May 1973

• A lecture, co-sponsored by the Geography Societies of Chung Chi College and United College, was delivered by Dr. C.S. Liang, Lecturer in Geography, Chung Chi College, on "The Hong Kong Underground Rapid Transit System and Urban Sprawl" on 23rd March. • The Student Union of New Asia College invited Dr. Cheng Tong-yung, Lecturer in Economics, to talk on “The 1973/74 Budget Estimates" on 23rd March. • A lecture "Like a Nightingale with a Toothache", sponsored by the Goethe Institute, was given by Dr. Grete Wehmeyer on 30th March at Chung Chi College. Dr. Wehmeyer spoke on the music of the French composer Erik Satie. • Dr. Byron Weng, Lecturer in Government & Public Administration, United College, delivered a lecture on "Trends in Modern China: 1949-1973" at the invitation of the College History Society on 30th March. • The Student Union of New Asia College invited Mr. P.Y. Leung to give the following talks: 31st March "Melodies" 7th April “The Study of Symphony, Musical Instrument and Composer" 14th April "The Principles of Music Development" • The Student Union of New Asia College celebrated Mr. Liang Chi-chao's centennial by inviting Mr. Hu Tze- jen , Chief Editor of Ming Pao Monthly, to give a talk on “The Thoughts of Mr. Liang Chi Chao and His Literary Refinement". • Mr. Poon Wing-cheung, member of United College Board of Trustees, and Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors, gave a lecture on "The Training of Professional Accountants" on 11th April for the Department of Business Administration, United College. COMINGS AND GOINGS • The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Rt. Hon. Dr. Michael Ramsey, and Mrs. Ramsey visited this University on 19th March with the Bishop of Hong Kong and Macau , the Rt. Rev. Gilbert Baker, and Mrs. Baker, and the Domestic Chaplain, the Rev. John Kirkham. • A Japanese Cultural Mission, composed of a former Cabinet Minister and representatives of the Japan Foundation, visited the University on 8th April. • Prof. F.G. Sturm, Professor of Philosophy at Western College, U.S.A., visited New Asia College on 1st March. • Mr. Erich Leinsdorf, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, visited the Music Department of Chung Chi College on 1st March. • Mr. Jacob Feuerring, an American pianist, gave a piano recital at Chung Chi College on 1st March. • Prof. A.N. Davison , Professor of Neurochemistry , University of London, visited the Department of Biochemistry, United College, and gave a lecture on "Molecular Biology of Myelin" on 9th March. • The London Philharmonic Orchestra visited the University on 14th March. • Prof. P.H. Tannenbaum of the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley arrived on 20th March for an inter-university research project with Mr. Min Chen of the Mass Communications Centre, and Dr. Terry Tang of the Social Research Centre, • Members of the Steering Committee for the Third Commonwealth Conference of Registrars of Universities of the Southeast Asia and Pacific Area met in Hong Kong from 27th to 29th March. • Prof. Jiri Nehnevajsa of Pittsburgh University visited the University for about three wekks from April to May 1973, to assist in the Research Project on Hawkers undertaken by the Social Research Centre. • Sir Duncan Wilson, Master of Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, was in Hong Kong from 1st to 12th April to advise this University on the World History programme. His visit was sponsored by the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas (I.U.C.) • Professor D.V. Lindley, Head of Department of Statistics and Computer Science, University College London, visited Hong Kong from 1st to 16th April a s an I.U.C. visitor of this University, to advise the University - 6 —