Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 6 Apr–May 1973

The Club also sponsored an “Art-Movie Week" from 19th to 23rd March, introducing the various schools of Western painting. • At the invitation of the Hong Kong Management Association, Mr. Cecil C. Luk, Lecturer in Business Administration, United College, conducted a 4-session course entitled "Job Analysis and Job Description" in March. • Miss Jeanette Haien, an American pianist and music lecturer, gave a piano recital on 4th April at Chung Chi College, under the sponsorship of the College Music Department and the Cultural Affairs Section of the United States Consulate General. • At the monthly meeting held on 6th April in the New Asia College auditorium, Dr. Y.P. Mei, College President, Mr. Charles Shepard, President of the Yale-in-China Association , Dr. May-ching Kao Yeung, Lecturer in Fine Arts, and Miss Ching Yuet-may , a student in the Department of English Language and Literature, talked on "New Asia College and International Cultural Exchange". • The United College Men's Badminton Team won the Post-Secondary Colleges' Badminton Cup, 幕開會運陸屆三第 > Opening of the Third Athletic Meet The University Bulletin of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University, Members of the University Bulletin Editorial Board: Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mrs. A. E. Adams Mr. Andrew Y. Y. Chan Mr. Fang Hsin Hou Mr. T. C. Lai Mr. Stephen T. Y. Tiong Mr. J. C. Yuan Miss Janet Lai (Secretary) Bulletin Staff: Editor - Mr. Stephen C. Soong Assistant Editor - Miss Chan Yin-Ling College Correspondents: Mr. Fang Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) Mr. Wei Yu-chen (New Asia College) Mrs. Katherine Wong (United College) Address: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong — 8 —