Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 6 Feb–Mar 1974

大學校長與海外校董 由左至右:李卓敏校長、菲力士夫人、柯克樂博士、 富爾敦夫人、菲力士爵士、布斯特博士、 柯克樂夫人、富爾敦勛爵 Overseas Council members and the Vice-Chancellor From left to right: Or, Choh-Ming Li, Lady Philips, Dr. Ken, Lady Fulton, Sir Cyril Philips, Dr. Brewster, Mrs, Kerr, Lord Fulton were present. They also conferred with Dr. Choh- Mi ng Li, Vice-Chancellor, and other University officials on matters relate d to the University's future development plans and reviewed its progress and current programmes. WORKING PARTY ON EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The Vice-Chancellor has announced the formation of a Wo r k i ng Party on Educational Policy and University Structure: "The University, now in its tenth year of operation, has for the first time brought the Colleges and other constituent parts together onto one campus, and is on the eve of embarking on a programme of expansion that hopefully will help its further development as an institution of excellence. It is appropriate therefor e to carry out a thorough review of its educational policy and organizational structure of the last ten years. "For this purpose a Wo r k i ng Party on Educational Policy and University Structure is to be set up henceforth." Membership of the Wo r k i n g Party is: Chairman: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Members: The three University Deans The three retired University Deans The President of the University Student Union The previous President o f the University Student Union Three co-opted academic staff members Secretary: Secretary of the University The terms of reference of the Wo r k i ng Party are to consider and make recommendations on: 1. A ll basic policy matters relating to the educational policy of the Universit y with particular reference to the undergraduat e programme, i.e.: a) the relative emphasis on producing graduates who will be scholars and others who will be men of affairs; b) the place o f General Education in the curriculum; c) the possibility of shortening the four-year course for certain student s who enter the University with special qualifications; d) the evaluation o f student performance; e) the system of encouraging the staff's dedication to teaching, research and student interests; f ) the College an d University-wide role in the whole programme. 2. The structure o f the University including that of the constituent Colleges, with particular reference to the academic organization, administrative machinery, and th e various governing bodies. 3. Any other basic matters that the Wo r k i ng Party feels are relevant t o the future development of the University. The Wo r k i ng Party is to submit its final report before 31st December, 1974 to the Chancellor with copies to the University Senate and Council. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY The University has received the following gifts and donations: 1. From Bethlehem Company Ltd., HK$4 million, to be divided equall y among the three constituent Colleges, to help meet the cost of building more student hostels; 2. F r om Lowe Bingham Company Management Consultants HK$ 10,000 to establish a "Lowe Bingham Company Management Consultants ' Awa rd for the best all-round Graduate", in the form of books and an engraved medallion, to be awarded to a 2nd-year student of L I BA demonstrating outstanding potential as a n executive. —2—