Bulletin Summer 1976

UPGC Visitation The University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) was set up by the Hong Kong Government with the following terms of reference: " To keep under review in the light of the community' s needs: (a) the facilities for University and Polytechnic education in Hong Kong ; (b) such plans for development of the Universities and Polytechnic as may be required from time to time; (c) the financial needs of University an d Polytechnic education; (d) and to advise Government on the application of such funds as may be approved by the Legislature for University and Polytechnic education." The full membership of the committee is: The Hon. Sir Sidney Gordon, C.B.E., J.P., (Chairman) Sir Elly Kadoorie Continuatio n Ltd., Hong Kong. The Hon. J . H . Bremridge, J.P., J o h n Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd., Hong Kong. Professor W.J.H. Butterfield, O.B.E., D.M ., F.R.C.P., Regius Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. The Hon. Oswald Cheung, O.B.E., Q,C., J.P., Memb e r of Legislative Council, Hong Kong. Professor David Daiches, M.A., D.Phil., Litt. D., F.R.S.L., School of English and American Studies, University of Sussex, England. Mr. R.C. Griffiths, Director, Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, England. Mr. Ho Sai-Chu, M.B.E. , J.P., Director, Fook Lee Construction Go. Ltd. , Hong Kong. Dr. G.B. Howe, M.A., Ph.D., Head of Contemporary China Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom. Mr. James McHugh , M.B.E., B.A. (Com.), M.B.I.M., Former Head, York College of Commerce, United Kingdom. Dr. E.W. Parkes, Sc.D., F.I.Mech.E .; M.I.C.E., Vice-Chancellor, City University, London, England. Sir Eric Richardson, C.B.E., Ph.D., B.Eng. C.Eng., F.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.B.H.I.: F.P.S., F.R.S.A., Former Director, Polytechnic of Central London, England. Mr. Dennis Ting Hok-Shou, Director, Kader Industrial Co. Ltd., Hong Kong. Mr. E.R. Udal, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Hong Kong. Dr. R.L. Werner, M.Sc., Ph.D., A.S.T.C.: F.R.A.G.L, President, New South Wales Institute of Technology, Australia. The Secretary is Mr. S.F. Bailey, C.B.E. J . P . The UPGC visited the two local universities and the Hong Kong Polytechnic fro m 5th to 10th April, 1976. The one-week visitation was partly an informal familiarisation visit and partly a relatively formal visit dealing wit h the mid-quadrennium review. Apart from the full committee sessions, prior and late individual visits were arranged for the