Bulletin Summer 1976

committee members to meet staff members of the University according to their special interests. UPGC members paid a full-day visit to The Chinese University on 6th April and had sessions with different committees and groups of representatives : Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC) Senate Academic Planning Committee (Senate APC) Student representatives Representatives of Arts Faculty Representatives of Business Administration Faculty Representatives of Science Faculty Representatives of Social Science Faculty For both the full committee sessions and the individual visits, a reasonable level of informality was maintained, with no records kept and no commitments on either side. The mid-quadrennium review items were taken on 9th April and the main points raised included: (a) progress on space utilisation and time-tabling control (b) teaching loads and staff ratios (c) staff housing requirements up to 1982 (d) progress on Vowles Report on External Degrees (e) establishment of the Faculty of Business Administration (f) relations, formal and informal, with the other two institutions, namely the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic (g) language teaching (h) constitutional changes Sir Sidney Gordon, Chairman of the UPGC, conveyed to the Vice-Chancellor of this University the Committee's satisfaction with the visit during its April 1976 mid-quadrennium review sessions in Hong Kong: "At the final meeting of the UPGC concluding the April 1976 sessions in Hong Kong we discussed the general usefulness of this kind of informal and reviewing visit. It was intended mainly to meet the needs of overseas members and they were unanimously agreed that it did this admirably. The local members and I however also found the opportunities to talk to staff and hear their problems and ideas most useful and indeed rewarding. In short, we all believed this form of meeting meets a very real requirement and should be repeated whenever appropriate." New Medical School The planning of a new medical school is well under way at The Chinese University and it is hoped that first-year pre-medical students will be admitted in 1980 or 1981. The University Council, in consultation with the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee, has appointed a Medical Academic Advisory Committee. The Committee is chaired by Professor W.H. Trethowan, formerly Dean of the Birmingham Medical School and now Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Birmingham. The other members of the Committee are: Professor Sir Melville Arnott, British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology, University of Birmingham ; Dr. John Z. Bowers, formerly Dean of the University of Utah Medical School and University of Wisconsin Medical School, now President of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation in New York; Professor A.P. McEwen Forrest, Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh; Professor A.D.M. Greenfield, Dean of the Medical School and Professor of Physiology, University of Nottingham; Professor J . B. Gibson, Professor of Pathology and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong; and Dr. Gerald Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, Hong Kong Government. Members of the Medical Academic Advisory Committee started a 6-day meeting in Hong Kong from 12th April, 1976 and visited this University on 13th April. The Advisory Committee worked out with the Vice-Chancellor of the University an outline medical curriculum, the capital building requirements and the staffing. Details for action were mapped out, and plans for construction of a Basic Medical Science Building at the University campus and arrangements for clinical studies which will envisage a new teaching hospital and a polyclinic in the early 1980's at Tsang Tai Uk Village, Shatin were also discussed. Dr. Gerald Choa has been appointed Dean- Designate of the new medical school.