Bulletin Winter 1988

Profiles Professor Patrick C.P. Ho Professor, Depa rtment o f Surgery ( Oph thalmology) Professor Patrick C.P. Ho was born and raised in Hong Kong and attended the Diocescian Boys' School in Kowloon in his early years. He was an avid violin player in his school days and won numerous prizes in the Hong Kong School Music Festival. In 1968 , he accepted a music scholarship at Stetson University in Florida, USA, where he became a chemistry major and at the same time the concert-master o f the university's symphony orchestra. A fter graduating magma cum laude in chemistry w ith a bachelor o f science degree in 1972, he began his medical study at the Vanderbilt University School o f Medicine in Tennessee in the same year. As early as in his preclinical year, Pro fessor Ho became deeply interested in visual sciences and spent all his summer vacations working on animal experiments on corneal wound healing, resulting in three publications in scientific journals even before his graduating from medical school. A fter he was certified by the American Board o f Ophthalmology in 1980 and admitted to the American Academy o f Ophthalmology in 1981, he became a clinical fellow in the Department o f Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School and the Massachussets Eye & Ear Infirmary in Boston between 1980 and 1983. During his training in Boston, he further subspecialized in diseases and surgery o f the retina and the vitreous. He was project ophthalmic surgeon o f the diabetic retinopathy vitrectomy study in Boston and he further developed his research interests in diabetic complications o f the eye. After serving a year as assistant clinical professor in Ophthalmology in the University o f California at San Francisco , Professor Ho returned to Hong Kong after sixteen years to be come senior lecturer in ophthalmology at the Depart ment o f Surgery o f the University and head o f the eye unit at the Prince o f Wales Hospital. As the first full-time academic ophthalmologist in the history o f Hong Kong, Dr. Ho was active in promoting ophthal mology and ophthalmic care in Hong Kong and in the immediate regions throughout Southeast Asia. In 1986 , he was elected chairman o f the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society and Medical Director o f the Hong Kong Eye Bank and Research Foundation. He travelled extensively as guest speakers to various ophthalmic meetings in Southeast Asia and he was elected to the council o f the Asia-Pacific Academy o f Ophthalmology in 1985. He also travelled fre quently and extensively into mainland China on speaking engagements and for surgical demonstrations. He was conferred visiting professor by Peking Union Medical College and the Chinese Academy o f Tradi tional Chinese Medicine in Beijing; honorary professor o f the Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army General Hospital and M ilitary Postgraduate Medical School in Beijing; and honorary consultant in ophthalmic surgery to the Eye Hospital in Tianjin and the Tongren Hospital in Beijing. Professor Ho has to date published more than fifty scientific papers. He was promoted to reader in the Department o f Surgery in July 1986 before his current appointment as professor o f ophthalmology, the Department o f Surgery , in 1988. Dr. Joseph C.K. Pang Senior Lecturer, Depa rt men t o f Medicine Dr. Joseph Pang received his secondary school educa tion at La Salle College after winning a Hong Kong Government secondary school scholarship. Grad uating w ith honours in medical sciences from the University o f Cambridge, he completed his medical school training at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1975, the year when he was also proxime accessit in the annual Brackenbury Scholarship which was open to all medical students by competition. After his appointment as a house physician in the medical professorial unit at his teaching hospital, he continued his postgraduate medical training in general and chest medicine there and at the Brompton, Westminster, London Chest, Whittington and University College Hospitals. He obtained the MRCP in 1977 , and was awarded the MD by the University o f Cambridge in 1985 for his work on pulmonary pharmacokinetics. He was ap pointed lecturer in medicine by the University in 1984 , and subsequently established the Respiratory Unit de novo at the Prince o f Wales Hospital. When the Royal College o f Physicians o f the United Kingdom held its MRCP clinical examination in Hong Kong for the first time in 1985 , Dr. Pang was the chief organizer. He was promoted to the rank o f senior lecturer in 1988, and is also a consultant in chest 20