Bulletin Summer 1989

Arts, Journalism & Communication, and Music were awarded the scholarships. A t the ceremony, six student groups devoted to the promotion of arts including music, drama and dance also received student activities minigrants as subsidies for organizing activities on campus. The awards were made for the first time this year, for the purpose of recognizing talents and encouraging the pursuit of excellence in the performing and technical arts among students of the University, and to assist student groups in realizing projects of cultural and artistic value. Biology Department Received Donation of Books In order to promote collaborative research on food science, the Kraft General Foods International (KGFI) has donated a number of books on the subject to the Department of Biology. In a ceremony on 23rd May at the Science Centre, Mr. D.C. Honer, technical research director of KGFI, presented the first batch of thirty-two books to the department. Chinese Name of Business Section Changed The Chinese name of the Business Section under the Bursary has been changed from ‘ 事務組' to ‘ 商務 組 ’ in order to reflect more appropriately the functions of the section, and to avoid confusion with the Chinese name of the Central Office Support Service of the Secretariat. Vice-Chancellor's Cup The 1988-89 Vice-Chancellor's Cup Staff Sports Tournament ended on 7t h May. The Administration team gained the highest accumulated points in the tournament's five events and captured the overall champion trophy. The 1988-89 VC ' s Cup was presented by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charles K. Kao and Mrs. Kao. The winning teams in the five events were as follows: Table-tennis — Science, Arts, Administration; Tennis - Administration, Science, Arts; Soccer — Administration, Arts, Medicine; Badminton - Administration, Social Science, Medicine; Basketball - Social Science, Administration, Medicine. Leung Kau Kui Building Foundation Stone Laid The foundation stone of the Leung Kau Kui Building was laid at a ceremony on 12th April, which was attended by some seventy guests. Dr. Leung Kau Kui himself officiated at the ceremony, and Sir Quo-wei Lee, Chairman of the University Council and Pr o f esso r Cha r l es K . Ka o, the V i c e- Chancellor addressed the guests. The Leung Ka u Kui Building is being constructed on the western end of the central campus and w i ll have a total floor area of 4,000 square metres. Construction work is expected to be completed by mid-1990. The new b u i l d i ng w i l l p r o v i de p r i n c i p a l ly accommodation for the Faculty of Business Admi n i s t r a t i on and communal teaching facilities. Dr. Leung Kau Kui has over the years made generous contributions towards local educational and charitable causes. The b u i l d i n g is named a f t er h i m to g i ve recognition to his long-term support to the University. 11